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got 0.53

- do not update symlinks which are already up-to-date
- add a gotadmin utility with info, pack, indexpack, and listpack commands
- fix 3-way merge of files which lack a final \n
- make double-quotes appear in rendered got.1 man page as intended (Nam Nguyen)
- gotweb: render error page instead of returning error 500 (tracey)
- avoid an error in tog(1) while the terminal window is being resized
- plug a memory leak in got_ref_list_free()
- catch invalid reference names passed to 'got ref -l'
- fix a memory leak in dial_git() (naddy)
- fix unrelated changes being merged by got cherrypick/backout/rebase/histedit
- go back to Patience diff for merging during cherrypick/backout/histedit/rebase
- fix file descriptor leak in got_repo_close() (tracey)
- fix hang in commit regress test if $VISUAL is set in the environment (tracey)
- use socketpair(2) instead of pipe(2) for better portability to Linux
- make it possible to profile gotweb and document how profiling works
- fix memory and fd leaks in got_pack_stop_privsep_child() (tracey)
- fix bogus 'permission denied' error when a file at work tree root is removed
- port packfile creation code over from git9
- new -I option for 'got status' to show files which match an ignore pattern