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E22P10 extra claps for all languages

Andrej Ficko requested to merge e22p10-claps into master

Mentioned in !976 (comment 1997515)

I've put all the extra claps from the Filipino version to EN into a new layer to make them easily transferable between files, and now I'll let you do some post-editing (if necessary) before applying them to other languages.

E22P10 GitLab renderer:

E22P10 gitlab-renderer

Edit: As mentioned in the last commit, I did some:

  • Extra layout fix for DE, GD, LT (long words)
  • Clap font enlarged for readability for KR, CN, RU, UK
    Also, I left Filipino as it was and SL will be fixed separately (would require a rebase).
Edited by Andrej Ficko

Merge request reports
