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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.14.0
    d8c45609 · chore(release): 1.14.0 ·
    Release: v1.14.0
    chore(release): 1.14.0
  • v1.14.1
    2959b953 · chore(release): 1.14.1 ·
    Release: v1.14.1
    chore(release): 1.14.1
  • v1.15.0
    15908ff4 · chore(release): 1.15.0 ·
    chore(release): 1.15.0
  • v1.15.1
    ee42b5ca · chore(release): 1.15.1 ·
    chore(release): 1.15.1
  • v1.15.2
    3696ddc8 · chore(release): 1.15.2 ·
    Release: v1.15.2
    chore(release): 1.15.2
  • v1.15.3
    b1f14f63 · chore(release): 1.15.3 ·
    chore(release): 1.15.3
  • v1.15.4
    5fb621bd · chore(release): 1.15.4 ·
    chore(release): 1.15.4
  • v1.15.5
    d4eb2fba · chore(release): 1.15.5 ·
    chore(release): 1.15.5
  • v1.2.0
    692f8ba9 · update CHANGELOG - v1.2.0 ·
    Release: v1.2.0
    v1.2.0 - 9 nov '21
      - do not overwrite event slug when title is modified to preserve links
      - add public cache to events images
      - fix baseurl in initial setup configuration
      - fix user removal
      - load settings during startup and not for each request
      - refactoring user custom locale
      - published AP event's type is not `Note` anymore but `Event`
  • v1.2.1 Release: v1.2.1
      - fix `Note` remove from fediverse
      - AP Actor is now `Application`, was `Person`
      - better handling event AP representations
      this release is a step forward to improve AP compatibility with other platforms, thanks @tcit
  • v1.2.2
    ad93f83b · minor ·
    Release: v1.2.2
      - shiny new gancio-event\[s\] webcomponents => [docs](
      - new backend plugin system
      - improve media focal point selection
      - improve non-js experience (load img, use native lazy loading)
      - improve user_confirm / recover code flow
      - fix task manager exception
      - fix db initialization when a custom setup is used, #131
      - remove vue-clipboard2 dependency due to [this]( bug and using a [native with fallback mixin instead](./assets/clipboard.js)
      - fix a regression to support old CPU, #130
      - makes dialog use fullscreen on mobile
      - fix Delete AP Actor Action from fediverse when remote Actor is gone
      - add `max` param to /events API
  • v1.3.0
    27847496 · yarn.lock ·
    Release: v1.3.0
    Gancio v1.3.0 - 26 gen '22
      - add mariadb support
      - add [microdata]( support
      - support db setup via environment variables (used in updated `docker-compose.yml` files)
      - improve rss feed:
        - fix validation
        - add enclusure media for featured image
        - add categories
      - fix typo in export code
      - add theme attribute to gancio-events webcomponent (dark/light)
      - increase thumbs quality
      - improve logo for light theme
      - improve [wordpress plugin](
        - add \[gancio-event\] and \[gancio-events\] shortcode
        - allow gancio-events / gancio-event tags in editor
        - automatically enqueue webcomponent script
      - tags/places filters are now inclusive not exclusive
      - fix image undefined alternative text
      - update documentation, dependencies, translations
  • v1.3.2
    00a47be8 · v1.3.2 ·
  • v1.3.3
    ba8a2b58 · minor ·
  • v1.4.0
    d2ed1b92 · minor on docker-compose ·
    Release: v1.4.0
    Gancio v1.4.0
      - improve Cumulative Layout Shift
      - remove filename as default media label to avoid leak metadata
      - add endData to microdata
      - security fix with filtering settings, avoid sharing SMTP pass with front-end
      - fix broken SMTP
      - remove global materialicons / vuetify css, use threeshake and @nuxt/vuetify (really improve lighthouse score)
      - new Dockerfile using node:17.4-slim as base img (from 1.5Gb to ~800Mb)
      - add XSS and path traversal mitigation
      - improve a11y
      - update deps
  • v1.4.1 Release: v1.4.1
      - add gl/galego locale, thanks @xosem
      - fix import redirect loop
      - add missing icons (close, repeat, arrows ...)
      - turn rss icon into a real link to improve a11y
      - force seconds to 0 for each events, fix recurring events starting date issue
      - fix next/prev selection on same datetime events
      - improve moderation UI (add author and event link + format creation date)
      - refactoring resource UI from fedi
  • v1.4.3
    564db696 · ehm too much ·
    Release: v1.4.3
      - fix [#140]( - Invalid date
      - fix [#141]( - Cannot change logo
      - fix same day events
      - add missing icons in admin
      - prepare multisite settings
      - improve initialization
      - start unit testing API (it's never too late)
  • v1.4.4
    93d08896 · minor ·
    Release: v1.4.4
    v1.4.4 - 10 mag '22
      - better img rendering, make it easier to download flyer #153
      - avoid place and tags duplication (remove white space, match case insensitive)
      - show date and place to unconfirmed events
      - add warning when visiting from different hostname or protocol #149
      - add tags and fix html description in ics export
      - add git dependency in Dockerfile #148
      - add external_style param to gancio-events webcomponent
      - add GANCIO_HOST and GANCIO_PORT environment vars
      - fix place and address when importing from url #147
      - fix user account removal
      - fix timezone issue #151
      - fix scrolling behavior
      - fix adding event on disabled anon posting
      - fix plain description meta
      - fix recurrent events always shown #150
      - remove `less` and `less-loader` dependency
  • v1.5.0
    :warning:  **BREAKING CHANGES**:
    - supported nodejs version >=14 <=16 (nodejs 12 reached End-of-Life on 30 April 2022)
    - minimum mariadb supported version >= 10.5.2
      - new Tag page
      - new Place page
      - new search flow
      - new meta-tag-place / group / collection page
      - new time selection widget
      - allow footer links reordering
      - new Docker image (smaller and faster)
      - add GANCIO_DB_PORT environment
      - restrict new tag entropy (trim, merge case insensitive)
      - add dynamic sitemap.xml
      - calendar attributes refactoring (a dot each day, colors represents n. events)
      - fix event mime type response
      - fix mariadb JSON fields
      - new gancio CLI accounts management (list / create / remove / modify accounts)
      - improve smtp setup, allow local sendmail, smpt port, tls/starttls
      - redirect to path based on content type request
      - add Slovak translation
      - lot of fixes
  • v1.5.1
    6612c95e · v1.5.1 ·
    1.5.1 - 14 aug '22
    - fix regression with hidden recurrent events