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Gancio v1.3.0 - 26 gen '22

  - add mariadb support
  - add [microdata]( support
  - support db setup via environment variables (used in updated `docker-compose.yml` files)
  - improve rss feed:
    - fix validation
    - add enclusure media for featured image
    - add categories
  - fix typo in export code
  - add theme attribute to gancio-events webcomponent (dark/light)
  - increase thumbs quality
  - improve logo for light theme
  - improve [wordpress plugin](
    - add \[gancio-event\] and \[gancio-events\] shortcode
    - allow gancio-events / gancio-event tags in editor
    - automatically enqueue webcomponent script
  - tags/places filters are now inclusive not exclusive
  - fix image undefined alternative text
  - update documentation, dependencies, translations