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:warning:  **BREAKING CHANGES**:
- supported nodejs version >=14 <=16 (nodejs 12 reached End-of-Life on 30 April 2022)
- minimum mariadb supported version >= 10.5.2

  - new Tag page
  - new Place page
  - new search flow
  - new meta-tag-place / group / collection page
  - new time selection widget
  - allow footer links reordering
  - new Docker image (smaller and faster)
  - add GANCIO_DB_PORT environment
  - restrict new tag entropy (trim, merge case insensitive)
  - add dynamic sitemap.xml
  - calendar attributes refactoring (a dot each day, colors represents n. events)
  - fix event mime type response
  - fix mariadb JSON fields
  - new gancio CLI accounts management (list / create / remove / modify accounts)
  - improve smtp setup, allow local sendmail, smpt port, tls/starttls
  - redirect to path based on content type request
  - add Slovak translation
  - lot of fixes