Use bank's real balance instead of initialBalance + sum of transactions
See the real balance for a real bank account (tested locally, not everyday in production) -
Resync transactions without breaking the balance for a real bank account -
Adding a future transaction, counting in ongoing balance for a real bank account -
Adding a past transaction, not modifying the balance for a real bank account -
Manual bank accounts should return the transactions sum as balance -
Add migration to remove balance from manual accounts -
Update the balance client-side for transaction creation on manual bank accounts -
Update the balance client-side for transaction deletion on manual bank accounts -
Update the balance client-side after transactions merge -
Demo bank accounts should return the transactions sum as balance -
Add migration to remove balance from Demo accounts -
Use current balance instead of initial balance for balance charts
Fix #1152 (closed) Fix #781 (closed)
Edited by Nicolas Frandeboeuf