Projects with this topic
Fast opensource video editing software powered by pytorch (gpu), ffmpeg (codecs) and qtpy (gui).
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Bruteweb is a Python script for web security testing. It conducts brute-force attacks to assess web application security. Customize your tests with various options and verbosity levels. Use the command line or GUI for flexibility. Strengthen your web security assessments with Bruteweb.
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Assistante virtuelle par transcription orale utilisant l'API d'OpenAI
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Validates proxies from a list, checks speed, and supports anonymity, cookies, Referer, and POST. Threads enable concurrent testing. Customizable parameters via command-line, e.g., threads and country filtering.
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tgmi is a linux python script implementing a command line browser for the Gemini protocol.
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The script enables you to access real-time weather information and view detailed weather forecasts for a specific time, all while providing the flexibility to choose between plain text or ASCII table display.
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This Python script manages and configures wireless network interfaces on Linux systems, including options for restarting services and changing interface modes.
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World's lightest toolkit to quickly and easily add a GUI to your Python programs and bring them online.
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PiClockMatrix is a versatile clock application for the Raspberry Pi, integrating an LCD display, LED matrix, and GPIO buttons for user interaction. This Python script offers a range of features, including multiple menu levels, information displays, weather updates, countdown timers, and more.
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Python3 parser for command-line options and arguments using Tiramisu engine.
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Une simple popup pour traduire ou définir un mot surligné
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Conversion of raster image (grid of pixels) into vector image (EPS, SVG formats) in Python3
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Interface python de SGBDR (Système de gestion de base de données relationnelles). Package dédié pour mysql et sqlite pour Python 2 et 3. Programmer en python
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Programmer en python. Module de tri en python2 et python3 ( [ bulle, selection, insertion, fusion, rapide]. Démo comparatif des tris.
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Un clone de zoop écrit en python3 avec pyglet.
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LightTracker est un tracker UDP BitTorrent minimaliste écrit en Python3. Il ne requiert pas de base de données sql ou sqlite. Tous est fait "en direct". LightTracker est destiné à être ouvert et public.