Projects with this topic
dépôt miroir pour TinyWeatherForecastGermany une application android météo open source du Pawel Dube (@Starfish). Base des donnés: DWD. This is just a mirror for the main repository.
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dépôt miroir pour TinyWeatherForecastGermany une application android météo open source du Pawel Dube (@Starfish). Base des donnés: DWD. This is just a mirror for the main repository.
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GitLab Pages site pour -> Tiny Weather Forecast Germany
Creé avec le mkdocs material theme
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The script enables you to access real-time weather information and view detailed weather forecasts for a specific time, all while providing the flexibility to choose between plain text or ASCII table display.
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Simple python script that interfaces Meteo France data with MQTT. This is not officially linked to meteofrance and may not be compatible with their term of use so act accordingly.