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  • Tim54000's avatar
    Data now stored in a file, production page added, etc.... · 1032ea7b
    Tim54000 authored
    * `donate_page.dart` is renamed `production_page.dart`
    * `CircleOpenerProject.dart` is renamed according to the naming
    conventions `circle_opener_project.dart`
    * `ProjectCard.dart` is renamed according to the naming conventions
    * `SkillCard.dart` is renamed according to the naming conventions
    * `SocialButton.dart` is renamed according to the naming conventions
    * Adding `product_dialog.dart`, it represents the dialog box displayed
    when clicking on a product.... It is not yet synchronized with the data
    in ``.
    * Adding content to `production_page.dart`, it is not yet synchronized
    with the data in ``
    * The Widgets `ProjectCard`, `SkillCard` and `CircleOpenerProject` are
    now synchronized with ``.
    * Added the class `DataFetcher`, it must manage the retrieval and
    deserailization of data from ``.
    * Added a robots.txt (temporarily) to avoid scanning the domain
    * Adding `data.json` & ``, `data.json` must be concidered as the
    source file of ``, only `` is used by the site.
    * Added an error icon (SVG) for CircleOpenerProject in case of error
    with ``
    * Some additions and deletions in `uidata.dart
    * Added `netlify.toml` for simplified Netlify management.
    * Added a proxy for external images in `netlify.toml` at the address
    `/proxied/https` & `/proxied/http`
    * Added a better ``.
    * Added dependencies `msgpack2: ^` and `http: any`
    Translated with