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Here is my blocklist, hope you add these (or some)!

PoorPockets McNewHold requested to merge master-3 into master

Created by: ghost

Since things get bigger, I thought of dividing the list into several categories: [ + means new category [ = meaning a category already present [ - means category no longer necessary (I used the maiusc to make it more readable)

(+) GENERAL SITES, improved (+) GOOGLE PRODUCTS, added some (such as waze, hangouts, hire...) (+) GOOGLE DOMAINS, added some (=) DOUBLECLICK, added some (=) GOOGLE ANALYTICS (I haven't touched it) (=) GOOGLE FONTS (I haven't touched it) (- ) GOOGLE PLAY (I moved the domains in Google Products) (=) YOUTUBE, improved (=) GOOGLE DOCS (I haven't touched it) (=) FIREBASE (I haven't touched it) (+) SHORT LINKS (+) PROXIES (strange domains) (+) OTHER - YOUTUBE (strange domains) (+) OTHER - YOUEUBE (strance domains)

Note: Domains (of every category) are all in alphabetical order. Note: Another note is that GitHub is saying: "Showing with 1,990 additions and 550 deletions.", but I have only added domains, the others have simply been moved in the categories above. If you find some domains (especially the ones at the bottom), please tell me, as I don't have much knowledge in networking and I have no idea whether they are really useful or not. EDIT: I forgot to say: I entered "" in the list. (not sure if it's ok). (Sorry for my english) EDIT2: (Use the lase one, which is the 9th from the top now)

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