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2.17.0 feature release

Changes related to launchers

* Prefix type can be set at the application level (using APP_xxx_PREFIX_TYPE)
  or for all applications (using APPLICATIONS_PREFIX_TYPE), with the following valid values:
  - symlinks: generate our usual symbolic links farm, the default for most application types
  - none: the game is run from the read-only system directory, the default for ScummVM and ResidualVM
* Prefix path can be overridden for the current game session by setting PLAYIT_PREFIX_PATH
  The default value is: ~/.cache/${GAME_ID}
* WINE prefix path follows WINEPREFIX if it is set.
  If the variable is unset, it defaults to:
* A single directory is used for persistent storage of user data.
  It can be set using PLAYIT_PERSISTENT_USER_PATH, and defaults to:
* The undocumented runtime variable PREFIX_ID is no longer supported.

Changes related to archives

* New archive type "tar.bz2".
* For multi-part archives, type is optional for extra parts.
* Allow use of unzip for data extraction from mojosetup archives, if bsdtar is not available.
* Force the use of a specific tool for content extraction:
  - An archive extractor can be set with ARCHIVE_xxx_EXTRACTOR
  - An options strings can be set with ARCHIVE_xxx_EXTRACTOR_OPTIONS

Changes related to icons

* Icons inclusion is now done using a single function, icons_inclusion.
* The following functions are deprecated:
  - icons_get_from_package
  - icons_get_from_workdir
  - icons_move_to

Other changes

* Drop option to do partial runs with no actual disk write.
  (--dry-run option)
* New option provided to change ./ working path: --tmpdir
  The default value is $TMPDIR, falling back on /tmp

Codebase improvements

* New layout for source files.
* Use a dedicated check to detect unexpected empty variables.