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New Staticman comment in a3e7063a0e9e0c1d8d6ccd47a4b57e30

Dear human,

Here's a new entry for your approval. 🎉

Merge the pull request to accept it, or close it to send it away.

Your friend Staticman 💪

Field Content
name Tester
email 29bcada5eb9be781b4920856b3694c39
comment Try comments.

Need further testing. | | replyID | 732caa40-9ced-11e9-b0ab-d7bc6dad28d5 | | replyName | Vin100 Tam | | replyThread | 732caa40-9ced-11e9-b0ab-d7bc6dad28d5 | | date | 2019-08-22T14:34:18.164Z |

Merge request reports