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New comment from Vin100 Tam

Dear human,

Here's a new entry for your approval. 🎉

Merge the pull request to accept it, or close it to send it away.

Your friend Staticman 💪

Field Content
replyThread 0a217ff0-7bb7-11e9-9611-f91ee5bc5e26
replyID 7a0c5be0-7bb8-11e9-9611-f91ee5bc5e26
replyName Staticman Lab
comment Le commentaire auquel celui-ci répond est accessible en cliquant sur le lien à la droite de la flèche.
name Vin100 Tam
email 4980f828b9588a712cc2013ac10fd13a
date 2019-07-13T13:48:24.608Z

Merge request reports