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  • v0.3.0
    250e18b4 · misc: bump version 0.3.0 ·
    0.3.0 - 2020-10-13
    Changed (breaks everything)
    - Full reimplementation with different API and dependencies.
    - A single `rsg` program is used to start the RSG server,
      to add initial actors in the simulation, and to start/stop the simulation.
      Details in `rsg --help`.
    - `librsg`'s API should now be very close to SimGrid's s4u API, with some changes:
      - Functions to send data (to put data in mailboxes) really transfer data here,
        so another argument is required (the data size).
      - Additional functions are provided for a smoother integration in studied apps —
        e.g., to wrap thread or process creation.
    - Dependencies are now:
      - protobuf to serialize messages between RSG processes.
      - docopt for CLI convenience.
      - boost lockfree, used for shared memory communication in the RSG server.
      - SimGrid (of course).