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  • Olivier Cornu's avatar
    Use logic to control what files get bundled into packages. · 252422a7
    Olivier Cornu authored
    Note: this is a heavy commit as Makefile got rewritten along the way.
    Basic Makefile usage has not dramatically changed:
     - package/archive types have their make target (ex: 'make deb')
     - 'make' invoked w/o commands now defaults to 'make all'
     - a few targets have changed names, appeared or disappeared
     - see 'make help' for further details
    There is a new config variable: FORMATS, listing archive formats produced
    by 'make src' (full project sources); It defaults to 'bztar,zip'.
    What has changed is the use of distutils logic to control what
    files get bundled in archives/packages: without it, fine-grained control
    could not be reached.
     - a file is generated on the fly during a build:
           echo "$(MANIFEST-all)" >
     - there are a few manifests defined (in MANIFEST-xxx form)
     - manifests build on (or inherit from) each other hierarchically