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  • Guillaume Blin's avatar
    Refactor to remove transitive dependencies and conform to changes in fj · 492a6fbd
    Guillaume Blin authored
    | Changes due to foundationj |
    - foundationj introduces foundationj-services: icons are now obtained
    from UITheme, so all icons shared across the application have been
    removed from resources folders.
    - @Data now specifies icon(), custom icons for datamodel objects have
    been created.
    | Removing trans. dependencies |
    - directional fitting moved from explore to app project to remove
    explore dependency on foundationj-views
    - Removal of queries and predicates related to MetaModel objects from
    DataModel (in datamodel project) to remove dependency on
    foundationj-dbm. This led to introducing UsefulPredicates and
    UsefulQueries in app project (in utils)
    - img project split into 2 projects with new imgdb project containing
    class creating dependency on dbm.