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Windows 64-bit compatibility (Visual C++).

Thomas Bernard requested to merge irwir:win64 into master

Created by: irwir

  1. In Windows 64-bit builds SOCKET is a UINT_PTR (unisgned long long), not an int. To keep most of the library code unchanged, a small header file socketdef.h was added. Optionally this header could be included into project/make files.

Other changes 2. Removed unused header files (fine in Visual Studio, but to be verified in other compilers/OSes). 3. Removed zeroing of local pointers after free() when the pointer is never used again, and that creates warnings in code analyzers. 4. Added some type casts to remove compiler warnings. $. Fixed differences between parameter names in descriptions and definitions 6. Changed field order in structure UPNPDev (improves memory alignment) 7. Removed always true/false condition checks, and checks for null pointer before caling free().

Merge request reports