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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v2.4
    76aca865 · Merge branch 'v2.4-dev' ·
    New release v2.4
    - add flycheck-grammalecte-report-typo option
    - Spelling corrections
  • v2.3
    New release v2.3
    - Change CRISCO URL for new one
  • v2.2
    New release v2.2
    - Change upstream URL to allow again download of grammalecte package
  • v2.1
    314de132 · Merge branch 'v2.1-dev' ·
    New release v2.1
    - Improve rendering of autoloads file
    - Add a test and document configuration with use-package
    - Correctly check current-path in augment-pythonpath-if-needed
    - Avoid melpa package to contain a test file
    - Use setq-local for revert-buffer-function
    - Make sure to create a new file each time autoloads rule is called
    - Still match text between consecutive code blocks in org-mode (flycheck-grammalecte.el)
    - Avoid a compiler warning (flycheck-grammalecte.el)
    - Change wording around self-promotting support links
    - Update CONTRIBUTING file
    - Add a github specific FUNDING.yml file
    - Generify Makefile and require pkg-info on demand
    - tests: Enable debug-on-error and avoid poluting user directory in test-profile.el
    - tests: Use fully loaded Emacs for tests
    - Fix UTF8 usage on Microsoft Windows
    - Add proper whitespaces between functions (
    - Homogeneize quotation mark style (
    - Homogeneize utf8 codec name (
  • v2.0
    fab1b507 · Merge branch 'v1.5-dev' ·
    New release v2.0
    - Split lisp library in two files
    - Improve satellite buffer creation and mode
    - Only check and download grammalecte every once in a while and improve
      upstream version check mechanism
    - Download grammalecte through lisp for the demo
    - Improve Makefile
    - Add an autoloads target in Makefile
    - Add package-version tag to defcustoms
    - Make grammalecte-version argument optional in
    - Massive refactoring of flycheck-grammalecte-setup
    - Support :verify and :enabled options of flycheck-define-checker
    - Support flycheck :predicate property
    - Go to point min after grammalecte special buffer revert
    - Make borders feature work again
    - Remove typo in lisp lib metadata
    - Remove useless test files from melpa package
    - Rename to
    - Improve the flycheck-grammalecte-mode docstring
    - Add breaking changes for version 1.5 in the README
    - Mark moved variables and functions as obsolete
  • v1.4
    f488739a · Merge branch 'v1.4-dev' ·
    New release v1.4
    - Avoid a crash in after upstream fix
    - Avoid a crash in Makefile
    - Indent code blocks in README
    - Add links to help me through funding
    - Leave rooms in docstrings
    - Cleanup gitignore
  • v1.3
    69f1f276 · Merge branch 'v1.3-dev' ·
    New release v1.3
    - Add a new function to get current Grammalecte version
    - Make ‘flycheck-grammalecte-download-grammalecte’ an autoloaded function
    - Make download of grammalecte if needed more smart
    - Avoid to fetch upstream index page multiple times
    - Allow grammalecte to be installed outside this package folder
    - Add a new default filter for ‘message-mode’
    - Be more lax on the upstream version discovery regexp
    - Better silence verbose operations
    - Change scope of package-related variables
    - Make ‘flycheck-grammalecte--grammalecte-version’ work
    - Correctly use ‘display-warning’ function
    - Replace custom message call by proper ‘display-warning’
    - Wrap a forgotten string in a ‘format’ function call
    - Migrate to
    - Clean some comments
    - Avoid auto-save-default folder creation
    - Move content in Makefile
  • v1.2
    8608df31 · chore: Update CHANGELOG ·
    Version 1.2
    Mainly bugfix release
    - Enable again Grammalecte spell suggestions
    - Improve a little Makefile
    - Avoid a crash when suggestions list is empty
    - Avoid a crash when exploring errors at end of file
    - Support flycheck version < 32
  • v1.1
    1743f1dd · chore: Bump version ·
    Version 1.1
    - Add a filters support to avoid checking of document parts, like LaTeX
      expressions or org-mode code blocks. Features a good default list for
    - Introduce borders support to drop any content of a file *before* a
      matching line
    - Add a debug mode
    - Add a script to ease opening a clean/neutral Emacs instance for test
    - Use w to copy word from the synonym buffer
    - Refactor synonyms methods by using only pure lisp
    - Add function to lookup words on CNRTL TLFi (french dictionary)
    - Add a way to use an external grammalecte python directory
    - Add a variable to store mode specific filters
    - Automatically call flycheck-grammalecte-setup after major-mode change
    - Add support for markdown-mode, message-mode and mu4e-compose-mode
    - Add a way to fix error at point or under mouse, using Grammalecte suggestions
    - Use https for CNRTL URL
    - Add missing python script to melpa recipe
    - Use the same melpa recipe than upstream
    - Be sure to use python3 for the conjugueur script
    - correctly compute pattern length
    - Avoid a crash when filters list is empty
    - Call interactively find-synonyms when there is no word at point
    - Correctly match \begin{document} border in LaTeX document
    - Do not replace quotation mark in suggestions
    - Big refactoring/improvement of python script
    - Require only a single input file for the grammar python script (drop
      pipe style usage)
  • v1.0
    Version 1.0
    - New setup function
    - Add a conjugation compagnon
    - Refactor/improve lot of internal functions
    - Improve inner and user documentation
  • v0.9
    New version 0.9
    - Automatically find the right version of grammalecte to
      download and use
    - Try to not process header part of some file type (latex
      and mail for now)
    - Improve the synonym and antonym buffer by making it
      clickable to easily take one word to paste in your document
    - (Breaking) Change default value of the
      flycheck-grammalecte-report-spellcheck variable to nil
      in order to NOT report any more spellchecking errors
    - Code and documentation cleanup
  • v0.8
    8ba9d41d · chore: Bump version ·
    New version 0.8
    - Allow one to bypass the yes-or-no question before downloading
    - Improve Makefile
    - Upgrade grammalecte upstream version
  • v0.7
    2f4812ea · chore: Bump version ·
    - Add a function to look for synonyms for the word at point
    - Change upstream url to
  • v0.6
    New release v0.6
    - Support removal of useless whitespace rule
    - Add some overflow protection
    - Use SSL to download grammalecte upstream package
    - Update the README
    - Refactoring/stability…
  • v0.5
    New release v0.5
    - Wait for `flycheck-mode` launch to offer to download Grammalecte
      instead of altering Emacs launch.
    - Fix some linting errors and warnings
  • v0.4
    New release v0.4
    - Upgrade flycheck dependency
    - Upgrade Grammalecte dependency
    - Little changes to the README and CONTRIBUTING files
  • v0.3
    New release v0.3
    - Better usage of Grammalecte options
    - Better documentation
  • v0.2
    New release v0.2
    - Add a lot of options in `customize` to better control grammar check
    - Automatically download Grammalecte after initialization