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Prevent nesting of sessions, warn on :CoqStart

Isaac van Bakel requested to merge ivanbakel/coq-au-vim:warn_on_nest into master

As an absent-minded person, I often autopilot into typing :CoqStart when I'm already in a Coq session. When I then go to :CoqQuit this duplicate session, I find that all the commands have been unset in my initial session and no longer work. It is no longer even possible to :CoqQuit the outer session to close the extra panes. They have to be closed manually.

I think that :CoqStart should not be usable once already inside a session. This PR adds a check that the session is not already in progress in the buffer by checking for the coq buffer variable, which is set in :CoqStart. If the variable is set, a warning is displayed to the user about preventing nesting, and nothing else happens.

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