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v1.6.12 - 12 mag '23
  - Fixed a bad bug in end time calculation that would sometimes hide the event from the homepage the day it occurred
  - map marker is now draggable
  - update locales (Basque, Galician, Italian, Spanish, Catalan)
  - [fix multiline event description breaks ICS export](
  - adds online locations and geo coords to ICS export
  - do not allow duplicate or empty tags in UI
  - [fix wrong week calculation in recurrent events](
  - [show full media on upload / add a switch to show preview](
  - [update image alt text when modified](
  - [check if place or tag exists](
  - fix export microformat / microdata events
  - plugins improvements:
    - [reload plugins when its settings change](
    - [allow plugins to use native log system](
    - [adds a way to test plugins settings from admin](
    - avoid loading the same plugin twice
    - update [gancio-plugin-telegram-bridge](