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WIP: Handle coming transactions with deferred debit cards

Phyks requested to merge phyks/kresus:coming into master


I have had a "débit différé" card for a couple of months now, and Kresus is really missing this feature :p Here is some work to support it.

For now, I just stupidly import coming transactions as is, which is far from being perfect, but is at least usable.

My proposal is to filter out in the client UI:

  • In the main report view, if some operations have type "DEFERRED" (12), simply hide them.
  • If some operations have type "DEFERRED" (12), create a fake "Deferred" account containing them. This account will always have a negative balance.

This is more or less how my bank (LCL) is showing it in its web interface.

@all (and @bnjbvr in particular), I'd like some feedback on this proposal before writing code :) Thanks

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