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Update all dependencies 🌴

Benjamin Bouvier requested to merge greenkeeper-update-all-97a64356 into master

Created by: greenkeeperio-bot

Hello 👋

This is the first automated pull requests to help reach the goal of up to date and stable software. It updates all of the dependencies in the package.json at one go, but from now on you’ll receive pull requests for each dependency update in isolation and in real time.

For updates that satisfy the existing version range you’ll get pull-requests only if it breaks your build.


-  "underscore": "^1.6.0"
+  "underscore": "^1.7.0"

When an update does not satisfy the existing range you’ll get the pull request right away.


-  "lodash": "^3.0.0"
+  "lodash": "^4.0.0"

Happy fixing and merging 🌴

This pull request was created by It keeps your software, up to date, all the time.

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