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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • ⭐️ P1
    kresusapp / kresus
    Most important features according to UX tests and feedback.
  • Other labels

  • 🏦 bank support
    kresusapp / kresus
    Support for banks that aren't already present in Kresus.
  • 🐛 bug
    kresusapp / kresus
    Ohnoes! Something isn't behaving as intended!
  • 🤓 deployment
    kresusapp / kresus
    Related to deploying Kresus in production: Docker setup, scripts, etc.
  • 🛠️ devtool
    kresusapp / kresus
    Build tools and scripts, related to development.
  • 📖 doc
    kresusapp / kresus
  • Doing
    kresusapp / kresus
  • 👀 easy
    Easy bugs or issues, very good starters for newcomers. Don't hesitate to pick one of these and ask us questions!
  • 🎁 feature
    kresusapp / kresus
    New features! It's exciting!
  • 💡idea
    kresusapp / kresus
    Ideas of features that would be nice to have, but might take an indefinite amount of time to implement.
  • 👌 quality
    kresusapp / kresus
    Cleanups and refactorings.
  • 👮 security
    kresusapp / kresus
  • 🚢 ship-it
    kresusapp / kresus
    All the MRs that have been rubberstamped by a reviewer and can be rebased and merged.
  • To Do
    kresusapp / kresus
  • 🏖️ UX feature
    kresusapp / kresus
    Making Kresus usable and pleasant to use for y'all!