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Some rework

Phyks requested to merge phyks/ into master

Here is some rework on the website, as proposed on IRC. Let me know what you think about it and if this is heading in the right direction.

I try to maintain an online version of my current MR browsable here.

Next things I'd like to do are:

  • Find an image to put in the cover item in the home page.
  • Some smooth JS scroll when clicking the arrow down in the cover
  • Clicking on images should open a lightbox with the image, not link to the image I guess
  • In the FAQ, the first heading title should not be put in the TOC (but it seems complicated to do :/)
  • Better styling of the "blog" page (list of articles)
  • Responsiveness
  • Should not load fonts from Google Fonts.
  • Footer should be pushed at the bottom of the page even if the content is not long enough (see Contribute page for instance).

EDIT: This should partially address #15 (closed) and #16.

Edited by Phyks

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