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Few tweaks and bugfixes

Phyks requested to merge phyks/ into master

Sorry, I could not have a look at the website today :/

  • Fix the footer height on mobile devices.
  • Fix the overlapping arrow down on mobile devices.
  • jpegoptim and optipng images.
  • Set a default background color close to the mean of the cover image, to at least have something while it is loading.
  • Make the cover image a background-size: cover to have better render on mobile devices, keeping aspect ratio constant.

@nicofrand could you have a look please?

Also, I find the homepage to be quite empty on large screens. We should decide whether we should stick with this cover image or not (we were thinking about putting a cover image showing Kresus on a screen, maybe something similar to with Kresus on display?, erg with a Librem, not a Mac!).

If we stick with the image, I would be in favor of putting some title (say "Kresus" or whatever like this) at the top of the cover content, only on desktop. On mobile, the content is already quite dense and "Kresus" in the menubar is close to the rest of the page, so reader always has it in mind. On large desktop screens though, I fear a user could look for the app name for sometimes before actually finding it. Let me know if this is not clear 📦

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