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  • Matthieu Gautier's avatar
    Add support for tinymce widget. · 6b32edf4
    Matthieu Gautier authored and Mathieu Bridon's avatar Mathieu Bridon committed
    There are some things to respect :
    - In a form, only `input` or `textarea` are send into a request to the server.
      So we must have a input using the same name of the widget.
    - If we want to use tinymce inline (without iframe), we need to use a
      block element. So we cannot use a `input` or a `textarea`.
      In our case we use a `div`
    Tinymce is aware of this problem and do two things :
    - By default it creates a input associated to the `div`.
      The input will (and must) have for `name` the `id` of the `div`
    - When tinymce saves (before form send) it copy the content of the `div`
      into the value of the input using the association `name`<->`id` to find
      which input to set.
    Last trick, we need all this thing to still work without js because we use
    form to validate data (in import_media) and also for unit tests. So the
    name of the input must be `name` given as argument to `render`