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Media queries reboot

Yohan requested to merge gh-a3b72063/465/ideascube/media-queries-reboot into master

This does three things:

  • completely reboot media queries: they were done the wrong way (not using cascading, so rules were declared for every media query), some rules were obsolete, and some rules were just too specific; I'm not saying this is fixing every issue we can have with responsiveness, but it's much better on the tablets, and the code is much much simpler (200 lines vs 35), so easier to maintain and fix in the future
  • add mhalf and thalf break point triggers (m as mobile, t as tablet, as for other rules created before): allow to better divide the screen on small sizes
  • fix #447 (closed) by adding a generic padding on home cards (rtl support too)

Merge request reports