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Wifi management

Mathieu Bridon requested to merge gh-517979e7/197/bochecha/wifi into master

Here is wifi management for the admin interface.

It is still a work in progress, so don't merge it just yet.

However, it does enough that it's worth sharing, if only to enable early review.

Also, note that I'll be rebasing this branch, so if you fetch it locally be prepared to have to force things a bit. 😉

What's done and missing:

  • List all wifi networks
  • Connect to a wifi network (without sudo)
    • Open network
    • WPA-protected network
    • Other network security types?
  • Forget a network
  • Connect to hidden network?

Do we want to support other types of network security? WEP just shouldn't be used any more now, and I'm not sure the various "enterprise" types are very useful for our target. 😃

Do we want to support connecting to a hidden network? (that is, one which does not advertise its SSID)

Is there anything else the admin app should be able to do with Wifi networks?

Screenshots of how it looks like are at:

Merge request reports