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Simplified version auf automated install script

OJ Random requested to merge ojrandom/core:dev into dev

This is a simplified version of the automated install script - as simple as we had years ago with the original script of Thomas Willingham.

The homeinstall of Hubzilla seems to be an outdated version of the two streams versions easyinstall and autoinstall.

Why I did not adapt the homeinstall of Hubzilla?

  • I did not dare to touch it.
  • More important the design principles changed over time (example: it tries to clean up everything in case of failure what could cause other troubles if certbot registered a certificate for example and you want to re-run the script for whatever reason).
  • It got complex more and more over time (and a bit to much effort to maintain for a non-admin like me)
  • For more differences see,

A word on the Streams versions... The old version "homeinstall" was deleted and new directories where created: easyinstall and autoinstall. This has the effect that the git history is lost completely in the relevant files. You can not find out who made changes (who you can ask) and what was changed why by reading the comments and interpreting the diff of commits. I suspect the new directories replace the functionality of branches in git. I would like to avoid stuff like this and stick to the functionality git provides.

Edited by OJ Random

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