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Update of the .homeinstall folder

Papa Dragon requested to merge dragondaddy/core:dev into dev

Changes in a nutshell

  • Updated config template and renamed it to zotserver-config.txt.template.
  • Added a Nginx server block template.
  • Updated setup shell script and renamed it to, can be used to install multiple hub/instances on the same server.
  • Updated

Main changes in the config template

  • "hubzilla" replaced with "zotserver" when relevant
  • "webserver" variable added ("apache" or "nginx" are the proper values)
  • zotserver_db_name and zotserver_db_user values left empty by default

Main changes in the setup script

  • "hubzilla" also replaced with "zotserver" most of the time (the script can be used also for zap, osada, mistpark 2020 & redmatrix 2020).
  • Nginx can now be installed as the web server (Apache still chosen by default in the config file).
  • If zotserver_db_name and zotserver_db_user are not set in the config file, script will use the repository name ("hubzilla", "zap", "misty", "osada" or "redmatrix") and make sure that an already existing db will not be overwritten.
  • git repo can now be cloned using a path other than /var/www/html
  • When using Apache a basic working vhost will be generated if path is not /var/www/html so that the Letsencrypt cert can be obtained using certbot with --apache option.
  • When using Nginx the server block is generated using the template added and certbot launched with --standalone option (--nginx doesn't work as smoothly as --apache).
  • Daily cron jobs script was updated an splitted : one global script launches shared commands (SSL certs renewal + global backup on external device) and every hub/instance has its own script for running util/udall (individual scripts are launched by the global one and named after clone folder name and repo name, i.e. if a zap repository is cloned in /var/www/social, daily shell script will be named "").

Tests were made on a fresh and clean Debian 10 (VPS), installing a Hubzilla and two Zap hub/instances on the same webserver. Everything worked fine, both with apache and nginx.

Backup on an external device was not tested.

Merge request reports