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Fix: hang on too few items

M. Dent requested to merge dentm42/core:patch-20200221a into dev

If at least one item is not returned during a pageUpdate - and we have not yet received the "content-complete" terminator, then rerun pageUpdate().

In limited instances a query for more items will not return any items because of the filters applied. The result is that the page will seem to "hang" and the spinner will remain visible as if it seems to be looking for more items, but none will load.

Generally, the solution given is to increase, settings->display options->Maximum number of conversations to load at any time:, but a large number here causes the UI to feel sluggish.

With this slight change, if no items are returned, then pageUpdate is simply rerun to obtain the next "page" of items.

With this change, a "Maximum number of conversations to load at any time:" of 1 is possible and actually provides a nice and responsive system (although 2-3 is probably the minimum number that should generally be used).

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