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Resolve "Feature: Add Participation Price / Fee"

Description of the change

  • It adds a "Pricing" section to the Event EditView.
  • It adds the possibility to add and display a participationPrice for an event.
  • It renames showParticipationPrice to showParticipationFee for streamlined terminology.
  • It adds respective translations for ar, en_US, de, fr_FR, zh_Hans, zh_Hant
  • It adds a migration to update the event options field of existing event.


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Bildschirmfoto_2024-07-03_um_14.58.36 Bildschirmfoto_2024-07-03_um_14.54.44

Applicable issue numbers

Closes #1494

Alternate designs/implementations

Considered but not implemented: An integrated payment processing feature to handle transactions directly within Mobilizon. This was deferred to focus on basic fee display functionality first.

Benefits of this implementation

  • Consistency: Ensures the participation fee is displayed in a style consistent with other event options.
  • Transparency: Helps organizers clearly communicate event costs to potential attendees.

Possible drawbacks

  • Limited Functionality: Only adds the ability to display a participation fee, without handling payment transactions.
  • Manual Management: Event organizers must manually manage payment collection and tracking, as this feature does not include automated payment processing.

Why should this be part of a core component?

  • Existing Framework: Builds on the existing core functionality initiated by showParticipationPrice, enhancing it with more explicit fee management.
  • User Demand: Addresses a critical need for event organizers to communicate event costs. This might be essential for many users and use cases within Mobilizon.
  • Foundation for Future Enhancements: Provides a groundwork for potential future development, such as integrating payment gateways or more advanced financial management features.

Testing process

  1. Create or Edit an Event:
  • Navigate to the event creation or editing interface.
  • Locate the new "Pricing" section.
  • Activate switch showParticipationFee
  • Enter a value for participationFee.
  1. Verify Display:
  • Save the event and view it as a participant would.
  • Ensure the participation fee is displayed correctly in the event details.
  1. Check Various Views:
  • Test the display of the participation fee across different views (e.g., desktop, mobile).
  • Verify the fee visibility in different components where event details are shown.
Edited by Stefanie Hörmannskirchner

Merge request reports