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Minimal compat for uMap 1.0.0

Yohan requested to merge ybon/framacarte:umap1.0 into master

Needed to upgrade Laura :)

It may be that more work will be needed, but out of my capabilities.

Eg. I see this insane rules in

[data-url*="://"][data-inframe="false"] .map_detail .leaflet-top {
	top: 42px;

Hopes this is under control!

IMHO, there is too much of a customization around. This sounds like a lot of energy to maintain it over time. Eg. content.html is copy-pasted just to add a closing </div> opened in another template, in order to have a shadowed box around the content. I'd instead drop that shadow box and KISS.

But that's just my opinion, and another story ;)

Merge request reports