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WIP: Translate to german

Bonsoir à toutes,

merci pour l'initiative Contributia! Je peu lire le français raisonnablement, mais écrire, ça dure ... puis je continue en anglais...

I'm just trying to start with a translation to German. As I'm not a professional translator (nor a professional writer), any help is welcome.

This is work in progress, not ready to merge yet. I just raised this merge request to get some feedback whether I'm on the right way.

As I understand, config.toml needs some settings to provide the right menu entries. I tried to add these, but currently I have no way to test it. Any suggestion how to quickly set up a tiny test environment are welcome.

In content/, I just copied all * to * and modified the headers; only in, the first paragraph is translated into german.

Is this the right way to proceed? Any files missing?

Best regards,


Edited by Herbert Thielen

Merge request reports