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two and a half small features

liam-o-marsh requested to merge liam-o-marsh/ep_delete_after_delay:main into main


  • added optional grace period (useful when installing the add-on on an existing Etherpad instance: any pad created before graceStart will not be deleted before graceStart+graceDelay, so that whoever created those pads have more time to realize what is going on)
  • added integration with ep_mypads: when configured so, will not delete pads created through ep_mypads
  • refactored and homogenized the way the post-deletion path is determined (the half-feature, not user-visible)

Notes on code quality

  • the getFirstEditFun function feels weird because it punches through the Pad abstraction of etherpad, but I have literally no idea how to do this otherwise
  • this is my first time doing anything JS, so I hope the quality of the code style is on par with what is expected

Merge request reports