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* Firecracker uses two different named pipes to record human readable logs and
  metrics, respectively.


* Seccomp filtering can be enabled via setting the `USE_SECCOMP` environment
* It is possible to supply only a partial specification when attaching a rate
  limiter (i.e. just the bandwidth or ops parameter).
* Errors related to guest network interfaces are now more detailed.


* Fixed a bug that was causing Firecracker to panic whenever a PUT request
  was sent on an existing network interface.
* The id parameter of the jailer is required to be an RFC 4122-compliant UUID.
* Fixed an issue which caused the network RX rate limiter to be more
  restrictive than intended.
* API requests which contain unknown fields will generate an error.
* Fixed an issue related to high CPU utilization caused by improper
  KVM PIT configuration.
* It is now possible to create more than one network tun/tap interface
  inside a jailed Firecracker.