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* The CPU Template can be set with an API call on PUT /machine-config. The only
  available template is T2.
* Hyperthreading can be enabled/disabled with an API call on PUT
  /machine-config. By default, hyperthreading is disabled.
* Added boot time performance test (tests/performance/
* Added Rate Limiter for Virtio block and net devices. The Rate Limiter uses
  two token buckets to limit rate on bytes/s and ops/s. The rate limiter can be
  (optionally) configured per drive with a PUT on /drives/{drive_id} and per
  network interface with a PUT on /network-interface/{iface_id}.
* Implemented pre-boot PUT updates for /boot-source, /drives, /network-interfaces
  and /vsock.
* Added integration tests for PUT updates.


* Moved the API definition (swagger/firecracker-beta.yaml) to the api_server i
* Removed "console=ttyS0" and added "8250.nr_uarts=0" to the default kernel
  command line to decrease the boot time.
* Changed the CPU topology to have all logical CPUs on a single socket.
* Removed the upper bound on CPU count as with musl there is no good way to get
  the total number of logical processors on a host.
* Build time tests now print the full output of commands.
* Disabled the Performance Monitor Unit and the Turbo Boost.
* Check the expected KVM capabilities before starting the VM.
* Logs now have timestamps.


* can run on platforms with more than one package manager by setting
  the package manager via a command line parameter (-p).
* Allow correct set up of multiple network-interfaces with autogenerated MAC.
* Fixed sporadic bug in virtio which was causing lost packages.
* Don't allow PUT requests with empty body on /machine-config.
* Deny PUT operations after the microvm boots (exception: the temporarily fix
  for live resize of block devices).


* Removed examples crate. This used to have a Python example of starting
  Firecracker. This is replaced by integration tests.
* Removed helper scripts for getting coverage and coding style errors. These
  were replaced by and test integration tests.
* Removed --vmm-no-api command line option. Firecracker can only be started via
  the API.