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* Documentation for Logger API Requests in `docs/api_requests/`.
* Documentation for Actions API Requests in `docs/api_requests/`.
* Documentation for MMDS in `docs/`.
* Flush metrics on request via a PUT `/actions` with the `action_type`
  field set to `FlushMetrics`.


* Updated the swagger definition of the `Logger` to specify the required fields
  and provide default values for optional fields.
* Default `seccomp-level` is `2` (was previously 0).
* API Resource IDs can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.


* Seccomp filters are now applied to all Firecracker threads.
* Enforce minimum length of 1 character for the jailer ID.
* Exit with error code when starting the jailer process fails.


* Removed `InstanceHalt` from the list of possible actions.