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  • Sebastiaan van Stijn's avatar
    release: add .dockerignore to fix repeated builds · 596ada3a
    Sebastiaan van Stijn authored
    Ignore previous release-artifacts so that repeated builds rebuild them. Before
    this patch, building the dockerfile multiple times would rebuild the binaries,
    but would not produce a new release-artifact (`.tar.gz`), because the make
    target would not trigger if the file was already present.
    With this patch, existing release-artifacts are no longer copied into the
    Dockerfile, which prevents this, as well as saving some time copying files
    that won't be used.
    In addition to the above, other excludes were copied from the .gitignore,
    to prevent cache-busts.
    I also added `.DS_Store` files to the ignore-file. These files are generated
    on macOS when navigating the filesystem, and would cause the build to fail if
    present, as well as invalidating the build-cache;
        docker buildx build --build-arg RELEASE_VER=main --build-arg UBUNTU_VERSION=22.04 --build-arg GO_VERSION=1.21.5 -f .github/workflows/release/Dockerfile -o releases/ .
         > [target 4/4] RUN     export GIT_STATUS_OUTPUT=$(git status --porcelain) &&   test -z $GIT_STATUS_OUTPUT || (echo $GIT_STATUS_OUTPUT && exit 1):
        0.118 ++ git status --porcelain
        1.405 + export 'GIT_STATUS_OUTPUT=?? .DS_Store
        1.405 ?? .github/.DS_Store
        1.407 + test -z gc .DS_Store gc .github/.DS_Store gc api/.DS_Store gc api/api/ gc api/runtime/.DS_Store gc api/services/.DS_Store gc api/types/.DS_Store gc archive/.DS_Store gc cmd/.DS_Store gc cmd/containerd-shim-runc-v2/.DS_Store gc cmd/containerd-shim-runc-v2/vendor/ gc cmd/containerd/.DS_Store gc cmd/ctr/.DS_Store gc content/.DS_Store gc contrib/.DS_Store gc contrib/ansible/.DS_Store gc contrib/seccomp/.DS_Store gc diff/.DS_Store gc docs/.DS_Store gc docs/historical/.DS_Store gc events/.DS_Store gc gc/.DS_Store gc images/.DS_Store gc images/converter/.DS_Store gc integration/.DS_Store gc integration/cri-api/.DS_Store gc integration/failpoint/.DS_Store gc integration/images/.DS_Store gc integration/remote/.DS_Store gc leases/.DS_Store gc metadata/.DS_Store gc metrics/.DS_Store gc metrics/cgroups/.DS_Store gc metrics/types/.DS_Store gc pkg/.DS_Store gc pkg/cri/.DS_Store gc pkg/oom/.DS_Store gc pkg/transfer/.DS_Store gc plugins/.DS_Store gc protobuf/.DS_Store gc releases/.DS_Store
        1.407 /bin/bash: line 1: test: too many arguments
        1.408 + echo gc .DS_Store gc .github/.DS_Store gc api/.DS_Store gc api/api/ gc api/runtime/.DS_Store gc api/services/.DS_Store gc api/types/.DS_Store gc archive/.DS_Store gc cmd/.DS_Store gc cmd/containerd-shim-runc-v2/.DS_Store gc cmd/containerd-shim-runc-v2/vendor/ gc cmd/containerd/.DS_Store gc cmd/ctr/.DS_Store gc content/.DS_Store gc contrib/.DS_Store gc contrib/ansible/.DS_Store gc contrib/seccomp/.DS_Store gc diff/.DS_Store gc docs/.DS_Store gc docs/historical/.DS_Store gc events/.DS_Store gc gc/.DS_Store gc images/.DS_Store gc images/converter/.DS_Store gc integration/.DS_Store gc integration/cri-api/.DS_Store gc integration/failpoint/.DS_Store gc integration/images/.DS_Store gc integration/remote/.DS_Store gc leases/.DS_Store gc metadata/.DS_Store gc metrics/.DS_Store gc metrics/cgroups/.DS_Store gc metrics/types/.DS_Store gc pkg/.DS_Store gc pkg/cri/.DS_Store gc pkg/oom/.DS_Store gc pkg/transfer/.DS_Store gc plugins/.DS_Store gc protobuf/.DS_Store gc releases/.DS_Store
        1.408 + exit 1
        1.408 gc .DS_Store gc .github/.DS_Store gc api/.DS_Store gc api/api/ gc api/runtime/.DS_Store gc api/services/.DS_Store gc api/types/.DS_Store gc archive/.DS_Store gc cmd/.DS_Store gc cmd/containerd-shim-runc-v2/.DS_Store gc cmd/containerd-shim-runc-v2/vendor/ gc cmd/containerd/.DS_Store gc cmd/ctr/.DS_Store gc content/.DS_Store gc contrib/.DS_Store gc contrib/ansible/.DS_Store gc contrib/seccomp/.DS_Store gc diff/.DS_Store gc docs/.DS_Store gc docs/historical/.DS_Store gc events/.DS_Store gc gc/.DS_Store gc images/.DS_Store gc images/converter/.DS_Store gc integration/.DS_Store gc integration/cri-api/.DS_Store gc integration/failpoint/.DS_Store gc integration/images/.DS_Store gc integration/remote/.DS_Store gc leases/.DS_Store gc metadata/.DS_Store gc metrics/.DS_Store gc metrics/cgroups/.DS_Store gc metrics/types/.DS_Store gc pkg/.DS_Store gc pkg/cri/.DS_Store gc pkg/oom/.DS_Store gc pkg/transfer/.DS_Store gc plugins/.DS_Store gc protobuf/.DS_Store gc releases/.DS_Store
    Finally, I removed a redundant "echo", which causes (as seen above) the list
    of uncommitted files to be printed twice (or three times even). We already print
    the list of files, as well as print the `test -z` command that is executed, which
    includes the list of files (`$GIT_STATUS_OUTPUT`). With this patch applied;
        6.307 + test -z gc .DS_Store gc .github/.DS_Store gc api/.DS_Store gc api/api/ gc api/runtime/.DS_Store gc api/services/.DS_Store gc api/types/.DS_Store gc archive/.DS_Store gc cmd/.DS_Store gc cmd/containerd-shim-runc-v2/.DS_Store gc cmd/containerd-shim-runc-v2/vendor/ gc cmd/containerd/.DS_Store gc cmd/ctr/.DS_Store gc content/.DS_Store gc contrib/.DS_Store gc contrib/ansible/.DS_Store gc contrib/seccomp/.DS_Store gc diff/.DS_Store gc docs/.DS_Store gc docs/historical/.DS_Store gc events/.DS_Store gc gc/.DS_Store gc images/.DS_Store gc images/converter/.DS_Store gc integration/.DS_Store gc integration/cri-api/.DS_Store gc integration/failpoint/.DS_Store gc integration/images/.DS_Store gc integration/remote/.DS_Store gc leases/.DS_Store gc metadata/.DS_Store gc metrics/.DS_Store gc metrics/cgroups/.DS_Store gc metrics/types/.DS_Store gc pkg/.DS_Store gc pkg/cri/.DS_Store gc pkg/oom/.DS_Store gc pkg/transfer/.DS_Store gc plugins/.DS_Store gc protobuf/.DS_Store gc releases/.DS_Store
        6.307 /bin/bash: line 1: test: too many arguments
        6.308 + echo 'git repository contains uncommitted changes'
        6.308 + exit 1
        6.308 git repository contains uncommitted changes
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSebastiaan van Stijn <>