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containerd 1.7.9

Welcome to the v1.7.9 release of containerd!

The ninth patch release for containerd 1.7 contains various fixes and updates.

### Notable Updates

* **update runc binary to v1.1.10::** ([#9359](
* **vendor: upgrade OpenTelemetry to v1.19.0 / v0.45.0** ([#9301](
* **Expose usage of cri-api v1alpha2** ([#9336](
* **integration: deflake TestIssue9103** ([#9354](
* **fix: shimv1 leak issue** ([#9344](
* **cri: add deprecation warnings for mirrors, auths, and configs** ([#9327](
* **Update hcsshim tag to v0.11.4** ([#9326](
* **Expose usage of deprecated features** ([#9315](

See the changelog for complete list of changes

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

### Contributors

* Samuel Karp
* Kazuyoshi Kato
* Wei Fu
* Kirtana Ashok
* Derek McGowan
* Milas Bowman
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* ruiwen-zhao

### Changes
<details><summary>28 commits</summary>

* [release/1.7] Add release notes for v1.7.9 ([#9333](
  * [`4b912af52`]( Add release notes for v1.7.9
* [release/1.7 backport] update runc binary to v1.1.10 ([#9359](
  * [`eff291713`]( update runc binary to v1.1.10
* [release/1.7] vendor: upgrade OpenTelemetry to v1.19.0 / v0.45.0 ([#9301](
  * [`bd9428ff7`]( vendor: upgrade OpenTelemetry to v1.19.0 / v0.45.0
* [release/1.7] Expose usage of cri-api v1alpha2 ([#9336](
  * [`d62cba40c`]( Expose usage of cri-api v1alpha2
* [release/1.7] integration: deflake TestIssue9103 ([#9354](
  * [`5dbc258a8`]( integration: deflake TestIssue9103
* [release/1.7] fix: shimv1 leak issue ([#9344](
  * [`449912857`]( fix: shimv1 leak issue
* [release/1.7] cri: add deprecation warnings for mirrors, auths, and configs ([#9327](
  * [`152c57e91`]( cri: add deprecation warning for configs
  * [`689a1036d`]( cri: add deprecation warning for auths
  * [`8c38975bf`]( cri: add deprecation warning for mirrors
  * [`1fbce40c4`]( cri: add ability to emit deprecation warnings
* [release/1.7] Update hcsshim tag to v0.11.4 ([#9326](
  * [`73f15bdb6`]( Update hcsshim tag to v0.11.4
* [release/1.7] Expose usage of deprecated features ([#9315](
  * [`60d48ffea`]( ctr: new deprecations command
  * [`74a06671a`]( plugin: record deprecation for dynamic plugins
  * [`fa5f3c91a`]( server: add ability to record config deprecations
  * [`f7880e7f0`]( pull: record deprecation warning for schema 1
  * [`1dd2f2c02`]( introspection: add support for deprecations
  * [`aaf000c18`]( api/introspection: deprecation warnings in server
  * [`9b7ceee54`]( warning: new service for deprecations
  * [`b708f8bfa`]( deprecation: new package for deprecations

### Dependency Changes

* ****                                                 v0.11.1 -> v0.11.4
* ****                                               v4.2.0 -> v4.2.1
* ****                                                      v1.2.3 -> v1.2.4
* ****                                    v2.7.0 -> v2.16.0
* ****  v0.40.0 -> v0.45.0
* ****                                                     v1.14.0 -> v1.19.0
* ****                            v1.14.0 -> v1.19.0
* ****              v1.14.0 -> v1.19.0
* ****              v1.14.0 -> v1.19.0
* ****                                              v0.37.0 -> v1.19.0
* ****                                                 v1.14.0 -> v1.19.0
* ****                                               v1.14.0 -> v1.19.0
* ****                                               v0.19.0 -> v1.0.0

Previous release can be found at [v1.7.8](