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containerd 1.7.5

Welcome to the v1.7.5 release of containerd!

The fifth patch release for containerd 1.7 fixes a versioning issue from
the previous release and includes some internal logging API changes.

See the changelog for complete list of changes

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

### Contributors

* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Derek McGowan
* Akihiro Suda
* Antonio Huete Jimenez
* Phil Estes
* Samuel Karp

### Changes
<details><summary>18 commits</summary>

* [release/1.7] Prepare release notes for 1.7.5 ([#9010](
  * [`93b23eb10`]( Prepare release notes for v1.7.5
  * [`fb1292c8d`]( Bump version to v1.7.4
* [release/1.7 backport] go.mod: v0.4.2 ([#9012](
  * [`503ab21bf`]( go.mod: v0.4.2
* [release/1.7 backport] log: cleanups and improvements to decouple more from logrus ([#9001](
  * [`2a9ae3c51`]( log: swap logrus functions with their equivalent on default logger
  * [`01445bb73`]( log: add package documentation and summary of package's purpose
  * [`932795f45`]( log: make Fields type a generic map[string]any
  * [`707ca94d8`]( log: add log.Entry type
  * [`0a79e67e4`]( log: define OutputFormat type
  * [`dbbe28b7d`]( log: define G() as a function instead of a variable
  * [`93b6cb784`]( log: add all log-levels that are accepted
  * [`e8e086e02`]( log: group "enum" consts and touch-up docs
  * [`7aa4f8fdc`]( log: WithLogger: remove redundant intermediate var
  * [`bfdce4ce4`]( log: SetFormat: include returns in switch
  * [`6621e0888`]( log: remove testify dependency
  * [`df76aaede`]( removes/docker: remove unnecessary conversion (unconvert)

### Changes from containerd/continuity
<details><summary>2 commits</summary>

* Add initial DragonFly BSD support ([#230](
  * [`bcc6e25`]( dragonfly: Initial porting work

### Dependency Changes

* ****  1e0d26eb2381 -> v0.4.2

Previous release can be found at [v1.7.4](