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containerd 1.7.4

Welcome to the v1.7.4 release of containerd!

The fourth patch release for containerd 1.7 contains remote differ plugin support,
a new block file based snapshotter, and various fixes and updates.

### Notable Updates

* **Add blockfile snapshotter** ([#8986](
* **Add remote/proxy differ** ([#8985](
* **Update runc binary to v1.1.9** ([#8965](
* **Cri: Don't use rel path for image volumes** ([#8926](
* **Allow attaching to any combination of stdin/out/err** ([#8910](
* **Fix ro mount option being passed** ([#8887](
* **Fix leaked shim caused by high IO pressure** ([#9003](
* **Add configurable mount options to overlay snapshotter** ([#9005](

See the changelog for complete list of changes

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

### Contributors

* Wei Fu
* Derek McGowan
* Akihiro Suda
* Kazuyoshi Kato
* Cardy.Tang
* Phil Estes
* Ben Foster
* Danny Canter
* Hsing-Yu (David) Chen
* James Jenkins
* James Sturtevant
* Maksym Pavlenko
* Rodrigo Campos
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* rongfu.leng

### Changes
<details><summary>43 commits</summary>

* [release/1.7] Prepare release notes for v1.7.4 ([#9000](
  * [`7a0cae3ca`]( [release/1.7] Prepare release notes for v1.7.4
* [releases/1.7] *: fix leaked shim caused by high IO pressure ([#9003](
  * [`537d7526e`]( integration: issue7496 case should work for runc.v2 only
  * [`5add172be`]( Vagrantfile: add strace tool
  * [`207e28f36`]( integration: add ShouldRetryShutdown case based on #7496
  * [`b4f480fb3`]( pkg/cri/sbserver: fix leaked shim issue for podsandbox mode
  * [`88ff575c5`]( pkg/cri/server: fix leaked shim issue
  * [`9f61dfb7c`]( integration: add case to reproduce #7496
* [release/1.7] Cherry-pick: [overlay] add configurable mount options to overlay snapshotter ([#9005](
  * [`0f4885c16`]( Add configurable mount options to overlay
  * [`8804a27d7`]( feat: make overlay sync removal configurable
* [release/1.7] Remove temporary replace ([#8997](
  * [`1c2dd5198`]( Remove temporary replace
* [release/1.7] Add blockfile snapshotter ([#8986](
  * [`2bf6bd143`]( vendor: update
  * [`30a163086`]( snapshots|pkg: umount without DETACH and nosync after umount
  * [`c9eebe3d1`]( mount: support direct-io for loopback device
  * [`1c2977db0`]( Modify loopback size
  * [`cf9c78d2d`]( snapshots/blockfile: fix lint issue
  * [`b823b4f54`]( snapshots/blockfile: deflaky the testsuite
  * [`6daeceb11`]( snapshots/blockfile: use passed in dst in scratchGenerator
  * [`99b61aee3`]( snapshots/blockfile: use loop if options is empty
  * [`fd39769ac`]( Add mount options to blockfile snapshotter
  * [`8d732c6c2`]( Add sync before unmount on snapshotter layer test
  * [`8472a407e`]( Add blockfile snapshotter to snapshotters doc
  * [`6740d77ca`]( Add blockfile as a builtin
  * [`07cc24b32`]( Add blockfile snapshotter
* [release/1.7] Backport remote/proxy differ ([#8985](
  * [`32e3b76ee`]( Add diffservice to contrib
  * [`661e505c8`]( Add proxy differ
* [release/1.7 backport] update runc binary to v1.1.9 ([#8965](
  * [`af79c07fd`]( update runc binary to v1.1.9
* [release/1.7] Port fix for Linux Integration test failure ([#8950](
  * [`c0b1c8f74`]( fix ci Linux Integration test fail
* [release/1.7] cri: Don't use rel path for image volumes ([#8926](
  * [`4e97a115f`]( cri: Don't use rel path for image volumes
* [release/1.7] fix: allow attaching to any combination of stdin/stdout/stderr ([#8910](
  * [`34a5d0330`]( fix: allow attaching to any combination of stdin/stdout/stderr
* [release/1.7 backport] update to go1.20.7, go1.19.12 ([#8906](
  * [`c5e7b84c0`]( update to go1.20.7, go1.19.12
* [release/1.7] cherry-pick: Fix ro mount option being passed ([#8887](
  * [`2eaeb3205`]( Fix ro mount option being passed

### Changes from containerd/continuity
<details><summary>4 commits</summary>

* fs: use io.Copy because go supports CopyFileRange ([#227](
  * [`4b8bec5`]( fs: use io.Copy because go supports CopyFileRange
* fs/fstest: CreateFile should use sync ([#228](
  * [`3fa7d7a`]( fs/fstest: CreateFile should use sync

### Dependency Changes

* ****    1f10f66a31bf -> ced1acdcaa24
* ****  5330a85ea652 -> 8075edf89bb0
* ****        v0.4.1 -> 1e0d26eb2381

Previous release can be found at [v1.7.3](