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containerd 1.7.2

Welcome to the v1.7.2 release of containerd!

The second patch release for containerd 1.7 includes enhancements to CRI sandbox mode,
Windows snapshot mounting support, and CRI and container IO bug fixes.

### CRI/Sandbox Updates
* **Publish sandbox events** ([#8613](
* **Make stats respect sandbox's platform** ([#8604](

### Other Notable Updates
* **Mount snapshots on Windows** ([#8616](
* **Notify readiness when registered plugins are ready** ([#8584](
* **Fix cio.Cancel() should close pipes** ([#8624](
* **CDI: Use CRI Config.CDIDevices field for CDI injection** ([#8519](

See the changelog for complete list of changes

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

### Contributors

* Gabriel Adrian Samfira
* Derek McGowan
* Paul "TBBle" Hampson
* Maksym Pavlenko
* Phil Estes
* Austin Vazquez
* Akihiro Suda
* Kazuyoshi Kato
* Danny Canter
* Samuel Karp
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Ed Bartosh
* Henry Wang
* Hsing-Yu (David) Chen
* Jan Dubois
* Mike Brown
* Wei Fu
* helen

### Changes
<details><summary>59 commits</summary>

* [release/1.7] Prepare release notes for v1.7.2 ([#8629](
  * [`0e41daaea`]( [release/1.7] Prepare release notes for v1.7.2
* [1.7 backport] Fix panic when remote differ returns empty result ([#8631](
  * [`e134b6393`]( Fix panic when remote differ returns empty result
* [release/1.7 backport] Mount snapshots on Windows ([#8616](
  * [`313c226b8`]( Update continuity to a tagged version
  * [`8dd16285a`]( UnmountAll is a no-op for missing mount points
  * [`acff3eefa`]( Improve error messages and remove check
  * [`b4dd3bf4e`]( Make ReadOnly() available on all platforms
  * [`08d8baf3f`]( Increase integration test tmieout to 20m
  * [`1f0dbd011`]( Remove bind code path in mount()
  * [`8f37b1c63`]( Remove "bind" code path from diff
  * [`9139208b3`]( Properly mount base layers
  * [`e61e7b312`]( Skip parent layer options on bind mounts
  * [`e4307926f`]( Add ReadOnly() function
  * [`0277b9b01`]( Remove escalated privileges
  * [`d5c18dfb7`]( Use DefaultSnapshotter
  * [`853179366`]( use t.Fatal if we cannot enable process privileges
  * [`5b3ee413f`]( Update continuity
  * [`375172604`]( Fix go.mod, simplify boolean logic, add logging
  * [`600abd137`]( Ignore ERROR_NOT_FOUND error when removing mount
  * [`df7295dcd`]( Update continuity, go-winio and hcsshim
  * [`0db78c482`]( Remove unused function
  * [`219058766`]( Grant needed privileges for snapshotter tests
  * [`96fbe5bc8`]( Fix layer comparison and enable read-only checks
  * [`279e0d3c9`]( Use bind filer for mounts
  * [`93e94da40`]( Enable TestSnapshotterClient on Windows
  * [`3a3da693a`]( Run Windows snapshotter through the test suite
  * [`e7b62322f`]( Fix misspelling of 'Native' as 'Naive'
  * [`e1f999a18`]( Add paired 'mount' log for 'unmount'
  * [`5788d6e52`]( Don't use all-upper-case filenames in snapshot tests
  * [`3cdcb2f10`]( Skip tests that do not apply to WCOW on Windows
  * [`b0968b8bb`]( Ensure mounts are unmounted before leaving the test
  * [`b57424851`]( Unify testutil.Unmount on Windows and Unix
  * [`b9a8aad45`]( Implement Windows mounting for bind and windows-layer mounts
  * [`1a64ee183`]( Implement WCOW parentless active snapshots and view snapshots
* [release/1.7] fix: cio.Cancel() should close the pipes ([#8624](
  * [`99582fb1a`]( fix: cio.Cancel() should close the pipes
* [release/1.7 backport] remotes/docker: ResolverOptions: fix deprecation comments ([#8621](
  * [`eeda70fb0`]( remotes/docker: ResolverOptions: fix deprecation comments
* [release/1.7] Publish sandbox events ([#8613](
  * [`e21c8beee`]( Post cherry-pick fixes
  * [`246240f71`]( Move PLEG event back to CRI
  * [`16f3726dd`]( Generate sandbox exit events from CRI
  * [`0c8cfb1a7`]( Move pod sandbox recovery to podsandbox/ package
  * [`91d9f5c64`]( Publish sandbox events
  * [`4b77683b4`]( Add sandbox events protos
* [release/1.7] notify readiness when registered plugins are ready ([#8584](
  * [`2c38cad77`]( notify readiness when registered plugins are ready
* [release/1.7] Backport CRI sandbox server stats changes ([#8604](
  * [`7851b0a9f`]( CRI: Make stats respect sandbox's platform
  * [`8d7c340ca`]( [sbserver] handle missing cpu stats
  * [`d08b2a088`]( [sbserver] Refactor usageNanoCores be to used for all OSes
* [release/1.7] Cherry-pick: Update volume-ownership image with latest hashes ([#8574](
  * [`08de6e7b8`]( Update volume-ownership image with latest hashes
* [release/1.7] CDI: Use CRI Config.CDIDevices field for CDI injection ([#8519](
  * [`6a5e54c15`]( Get CDI devices from CRI Config.CDIDevices field
* [release/1.7 backport] snapshots/testsuite: Rename: fix fuse-overlayfs incompatibility ([#8510](
  * [`9e60300ea`]( snapshots/testsuite: Rename: fix fuse-overlayfs incompatibility

### Changes from containerd/continuity
<details><summary>31 commits</summary>

* Fall back to Copyfile when Clonefile detects a cross-device request ([#225](
  * [`7df79f5`]( Fall back to Copyfile when Clonefile detects a cross-device request
* Support darwin clonefile ([#223](
  * [`30cf84d`]( Add support for Darwin clonefile
  * [`ebdd069`]( Add copy benchmark
* Update to v0.1.0 ([#222](
  * [`2db84b9`]( Update to v0.1.0
* Enable tests for all platforms ([#220](
  * [`b449cd0`]( Fix tests on Windows
  * [`eb05879`]( Fix Darwin tests
  * [`9cd17be`]( Enable tests for all platforms
* Add more Windows metadata files ([#219](
  * [`cdfbe61`]( Add more Windows metadata files
* atomicWriteFile: file defer close ([#213](
  * [`9eb2a49`]( atomicWriteFile: file defer close
* Update GitHub Actions runner images ([#216](
  * [`ad9c903`]( Update GitHub Actions runner images
* Add CodeQL security scan workflow ([#215](
  * [`c8de034`]( Add CodeQL security scan workflow
* Add Go 1.20 support to CI ([#214](
  * [`be62cc1`]( Add Go 1.20 support to CI
* Add paths to windows metadataFiles ([#212](
  * [`68f7b34`]( Add paths to windows metadataFiles
* Remove references to io/ioutil package ([#211](
  * [`e22f001`]( Remove references to io/ioutil package
* Update GitHub actions CI workflow ([#210](
  * [`1c3fa33`]( Update GitHub actions CI workflow
* format code with gofumpt ([#209](
  * [`f5d245e`]( format code with gofumpt
* Correctly ignore error wrapping `ErrNotSupported` ([#207](
  * [`1ee38b5`]( Correctly ignore error wrapping ErrNotSupported

### Dependency Changes

* ****  v0.3.0 -> v0.4.1

Previous release can be found at [v1.7.1](