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containerd 1.7.14

Welcome to the v1.7.14 release of containerd!

The fourteenth patch release for containerd 1.7 contains various fixes and updates.

### Highlights

* Update builds to use go 1.21.8 ([#9933](
* Fix various timing issues with docker pusher ([#9921](
* Register imagePullThroughput and count with MiB ([#9855](
* Move high volume event logs to Trace level ([#9823](

#### Container Runtime Interface (CRI)

* Handle pod transition states gracefully while listing pod stats ([#9905](

#### Runtime

* Update runc-shim to process exec exits before init ([#9928](

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

### Contributors

* Wei Fu
* Derek McGowan
* Maksym Pavlenko
* Krisztian Litkey
* Akihiro Suda
* Justin Chadwell
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Phil Estes
* Kirtana Ashok
* Akhil Mohan
* Austin Vazquez
* Etienne Champetier
* Jordan Liggitt
* Kohei Tokunaga
* Mike Brown
* Samuel Karp
* Davanum Srinivas
* Edgar Lee
* Henry Wang
* James Sturtevant
* Laura Brehm
* Nashwan Azhari
* Robbie Buxton
* Robert-André Mauchin
* Shukui Yang

### Changes
<details><summary>70 commits</summary>

* Prepare release notes for v1.7.14 ([#9953](
  * [`1babe6b58`]( Prepare release notes for v1.7.14
* Backport use Go toolchain in CI matrix to build binaries ([#9951](
  * [`a9bbbefcf`]( Use the Go toolchain in CI matrix to build binaries
* Update builds to use go 1.21.8 ([#9933](
  * [`1ca9a643a`]( update to go 1.21.8, 1.22.1
* Move inline PS scripts into files ([#9938](
  * [`39caf532e`]( Move inline PS scripts into files
* Disable OOM set score unpriv test temporarily ([#9944](
  * [`630226bb4`]( Disable OOM set score unpriv test temporarily
* Update runc-shim to process exec exits before init ([#9928](
  * [`de7b6bae9`]( runc-shim: process exec exits before init
* update to go 1.21.6, test 1.22.0 ([#9860](
  * [`3b3e537ea`]( Uninstall mingw before attempting upgrade
  * [`9e24388b2`]( CI: Explicitly upgrade MinGW on Windows 2019 GitHub runners.
  * [`5b23a4127`]( seccomp, apparmor: add go:noinline
  * [`753422ac1`]( Drop go 1.20 and build against 1.22
  * [`a2d64218c`]( Fix windows integration tests
  * [`6379dd6f4`]( Update workflow files to install Go via composite action
  * [`a5c0d061c`]( Extract a composite action to install Go
* Fix various timing issues with docker pusher ([#9921](
  * [`52a1402df`]( copy: prevent potential deadlock if close before fully written
  * [`872746386`]( copy: setError should imply Close
  * [`a8004007a`]( copy: remove max number of ErrResets
  * [`0465472ed`]( pushWriter: refactor reset pipe logic into separate function
  * [`2577207cc`]( copy: improve error detection from closed pipes
  * [`d081da86b`]( copy: check if writer was closed before setting a pipe
  * [`2a25c085b`]( copy: remove wrapping io.NopCloser from push writer pipe
* Register imagePullThroughput and count with MiB ([#9855](
  * [`711cebd48`]( Register imagePullThroughput and count with MiB
* Update golangci-lint to v1.56.1 ([#9900](
  * [`926ceb036`]( fix golangci-lint errors
  * [`4030ae235`]( Update golangci-lint to v1.56.1
  * [`6620d6bfd`]( ci: bump up golangci-lint to v1.55.2
  * [`b16ca72b2`]( Bump up golangci-lint to v1.54.2
* Handle pod transition states gracefully while listing pod stats ([#9905](
  * [`39db3f18b`]( adjust test cases to run for windows
  * [`579d8b463`]( [cri] Handle Windows pod transitions gracefully
* Backport GitHub actions package updates ([#9876](
  * [`8d6f0f2ae`]( build(deps): bump golangci/golangci-lint-action from 3 to 4
  * [`7929592b9`]( build(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4
  * [`e11de777d`]( build(deps): bump crazy-max/ghaction-github-runtime from 2 to 3
  * [`2b40a4074`]( build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4
  * [`22feefa57`]( build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 5
  * [`b96aa4012`]( build(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 1 to 3
  * [`97763f91d`]( build(deps): bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3
  * [`6875bb14f`]( build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3
  * [`87f9adb6b`]( build(deps): bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4
* .github: windows should use fix critool version ([#9874](
  * [`d9c099a9a`]( .github: windows should use fix critool version
* ci: update crun version to 1.14.3 ([#9850](
  * [`dc594b01d`]( ci: update crun version to 1.14.3
* Add WithMetaStore to overlay snapshotter and missing unpacker.Wait for image import ([#9837](
  * [`8fe0b26f1`]( Add missing unpacker.Wait for image import
  * [`31ea2d7d9`]( Add WithMetaStore to overlay snapshotter to allow bringing your own
* Move high volume event logs to Trace level ([#9823](
  * [`982e0cffb`]( Move high volume event logs to Trace level
* cri: propagate deprecation list to runtime status ([#9818](
  * [`c79ffa277`]( cri: propagate deprecation list to runtime status
* ctr: print deprecation warnings on every invocation ([#9820](
  * [`eaebe23de`]( ctr: print deprecation warnings on every invocation
* bug fix: make sure cri image is pinned when it is pulled outside cri ([#9784](
  * [`26c057423`]( bug fix: make sure cri image is pinned when it is pulled outside cri
* go.{mod,sum}: update NRI dependency, fixing a potential fd double close error. ([#9783](
  * [`d3e997556`]( go.{mod,sum}: update NRI dependency, re-vendor.
* Add option to perform syncfs after pull ([#9769](
  * [`ea0a92ec3`]( *: introduce image_pull_with_sync_fs in CRI
  * [`4caf44032`]( api: introduce sync_fs to diff.ApplyRequest
* Move certain debug logs to trace logs ([#9761](
  * [`3f75af7bf`]( Move certain debug logs to trace logs

### Changes from containerd/nri
<details><summary>23 commits</summary>

* socketpair_windows: remove implementation for now ([containerd/nri#69](
  * [`e47f09b`]( socketpair_windows: remove implementation for now
* adaptation, stub: allow extra ttrpc client and server options. ([containerd/nri#67](
  * [`45b9e3f`]( plugins: update dependencies.
  * [`f600cf6`]( go.{mod,sum}: update dependencies.
  * [`13ee978`]( pkg/stub: add support for extra ttrpc options.
  * [`c4e2f81`]( pkg/adaptation: add support for extra ttrpc options.
* socketpair_unix: avoid double close(), set FD_CLOEXEC ([containerd/nri#66](
  * [`5d0b52b`]( sockerpair_unix: avoid double close(), set FD_CLOEXEC
* Task: fix typo in godoc ([containerd/nri#61](
  * [`ae7840b`]( Task: fix typo in godoc
* Take pkg/hooks from (carry 46) ([containerd/nri#55](
  * [`b4ac58c`]( Take pkg/hooks from
* gha: remove GOPATH and workingdir, update actions/setup-go@v4, actions/checkout@v4 ([containerd/nri#53](
  * [`ee96969`]( gha: update actions/checkout@v4
  * [`7b33fbf`]( gha: update actions/setup-go@v4
  * [`e33ac3e`]( gha: remove working-dir and GOPATH
* remove containerd as dependency ([containerd/nri#51](
  * [`da8a7e5`]( remove containerd as dependency
* make plugins/ulimit-adjuster a separate module ([containerd/nri#54](
  * [`934815e`]( make plugins/ulimit-adjuster a separate module
* scripts: fix protobuf URL on arm64 ([containerd/nri#52](
  * [`9b43daa`]( scripts: fix protobuf URL on arm64

### Changes from containerd/ttrpc
<details><summary>21 commits</summary>

* Fix streaming with empty payloads ([containerd/ttrpc#157](
  * [`44ca009`]( Add comment
  * [`6615f15`]( Fix linter
  * [`dea99e9`]( Fix handling of empty payloads
  * [`336fc1b`]( Add integration test to reproduce issue with empty payloads
* Bump from 1.57.0 to 1.57.1 ([containerd/ttrpc#156](
  * [`1e51c46`]( Bump from 1.57.0 to 1.57.1
* Bump from 0.10.0 to 0.17.0 ([containerd/ttrpc#155](
  * [`bea960d`]( Bump from 0.10.0 to 0.17.0
* Implement support for unary interceptor chaining. ([containerd/ttrpc#152](
  * [`40f227d`]( server: implement UnaryServerInterceptor chaining.
  * [`f984c9b`]( client: implement UnaryClientInterceptor chaining.
* Fix grammar in comment for UserOnCloseWait. ([containerd/ttrpc#153](
  * [`8ca4110`]( Fix comment for UserOnCloseWait.
* Bump genproto dependency ([containerd/ttrpc#154](
  * [`a2fbc14`]( go.mod: v0.0.0-20230731190214-cbb8c96f2d6d
  * [`cf2b85d`]( go.mod: bump to supported go version
* server_test: wait for OnClose in TestClientEOF. ([containerd/ttrpc#150](
  * [`e0cd801`]( server_test: wait for OnClose in TestClientEOF.
* .github: give more slack for build+tests. ([containerd/ttrpc#151](
  * [`8d47846`]( .github: give more slack for build+tests.

### Dependency Changes

* ****                  v0.4.0 -> v0.6.0
* ****                v1.2.2 -> v1.2.3
* ****  782d3b101e98 -> cbb8c96f2d6d

Previous release can be found at [v1.7.13](