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containerd 1.6.30

Welcome to the v1.6.30 release of containerd!

The thirtieth patch release for containerd 1.6 contains various fixes and updates
as well as a build fix which prevented the v1.6.29 tag from being released.

### Highlights

* Update builds to go 1.21.8 ([#9945](
* Fix config import relative path glob ([#9835](
* Move high volume event logs to Trace level ([#9824](
* Move certain debug logs to trace logs ([#9762](

#### Container Runtime Interface (CRI)

* Add timeout to drain exec io ([#9768](
* Propagate deprecation list to runtime status ([#9819](
* Fix image pinning when image is not pulled through cri ([#9785](

#### Runtime

* Update runc-shim to process exec exits before init ([#9927](

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

### Contributors

* Akihiro Suda
* Derek McGowan
* Wei Fu
* Maksym Pavlenko
* Phil Estes
* Kirtana Ashok
* Mike Brown
* Akhil Mohan
* Angelos Kolaitis
* Austin Vazquez
* Henry Wang
* Laura Brehm
* Nashwan Azhari
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Tony Fang

### Changes
<details><summary>59 commits</summary>

* Prepare v1.6.30 ([#9952](
  * [`8268fc6e9`]( Prepare release notes for v1.6.30
  * [`614ca2e12`]( Revert go version environment removal
* Prepare release notes for v1.6.29 ([#9950](
  * [`9ef6d9d03`]( Add release notes for v1.6.29.toml
* use a composite action to install Go ([#9949](
  * [`cfbbb510c`]( Use the Go toolchain in CI matrix to build binaries
  * [`f015dbc5a`]( use composite action in ci workflow
* Update builds to go 1.21.8 ([#9945](
  * [`ccf3eb6a2`]( update to go 1.21.8, 1.22.1
* Backport easy go install and update go ([#9890](
  * [`f6475ea59`]( Drop go 1.20 and build against 1.22
  * [`7c45ad092`]( Extract a composite action to install Go
  * [`4f7305414`]( update to go1.21.6, go1.20.13
  * [`da5a36c37`]( Use testify
  * [`afe6efee3`]( Revert container_stats_test.go change which caused Windows CRI integration test failure
  * [`370ef115f`]( container_stats_test.go: avoid checking snapshot size
  * [`935720b8c`]( Move inline PS scripts into files
  * [`74bae5af8`]( Uninstall mingw before attempting upgrade
  * [`9b9500bb0`]( CI: Explicitly upgrade MinGW on Windows 2019 GitHub runners.
  * [`4814f9e48`]( seccomp, apparmor: add go:noinline
* Disable OOM set score unpriv test temporarily ([#9943](
  * [`c7c8ce6bc`]( Disable OOM set score unpriv test temporarily
* Update runc-shim to process exec exits before init ([#9927](
  * [`65915f0a2`]( runc-shim: process exec exits before init
* Backport GitHub actions package updates ([#9877](
  * [`e552c8898`]( build(deps): bump golangci/golangci-lint-action from 3 to 4
  * [`888ae152c`]( build(deps): bump actions/cache from 3 to 4
  * [`dd913a0de`]( build(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4
  * [`a250c101a`]( build(deps): bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4
  * [`7c8fd2255`]( build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3
  * [`f325e559e`]( build(deps): bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3
  * [`1bae160de`]( build(deps): bump crazy-max/ghaction-github-runtime from 2 to 3
  * [`3c81dc13b`]( build(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact from 1 to 3
  * [`9b3b80eea`]( build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 5
  * [`6b74818d8`]( build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4
* Fix config import relative path glob ([#9835](
  * [`0f2068a70`]( Fix config import relative path glob
* ci: update crun version to 1.14.3 ([#9851](
  * [`89d00db95`]( ci: update crun version to 1.14.3
* Add timeout to drain exec io ([#9768](
  * [`aac488730`]( *: fix code style issue
  * [`2a38c7e2e`]( cri: add config ut for invalid drain io timeout value
  * [`ce213431f`]( integration: add testcase to drain exec IO in time
  * [`b5d52efca`]( cri: disable drain-exec-IO if it is empty timeout
  * [`85bed5863`]( *: update drainExecSyncIO docs and validate the timeout
  * [`0438e477c`]( *: add DrainExecSyncIOTimeout config and disable as by default
  * [`fb262317c`]( *: fix typo and skip exec-io-drain-testcase in win
  * [`f50c9922b`]( pkg/cri/server: add timeout to drain exec io
* Move high volume event logs to Trace level ([#9824](
  * [`99fa35e70`]( Move high volume event logs to Trace level
* Propagate deprecation list to runtime status ([#9819](
  * [`3785deac4`]( cri: propagate deprecation list to runtime status
* ctr: print deprecation warnings on every invocation ([#9821](
  * [`b7a0b1b8e`]( ctr: print deprecation warnings on every invocation
* Fix image pinning when image is not pulled through cri ([#9785](
  * [`2d43994fb`]( bug fix: make sure cri image is pinned when it is pulled outside cri
* Move certain debug logs to trace logs ([#9762](
  * [`195ef7691`]( Move certain debug logs to trace logs

### Dependency Changes

This release has no dependency changes

Previous release can be found at [v1.6.28](