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containerd 1.6.3

Welcome to the v1.6.3 release of containerd!

The third patch release for containerd 1.6 includes various fixes and updates.

### Notable Updates

* **Fix panic when configuring tracing plugin** ([#6853](
* **Improve image pull performance in CRI plugin** ([#6816](
* **Check for duplicate nspath** ([#6813](
* **Fix deadlock in cgroup metrics collector** ([#6801](
* **Mount devmapper xfs file system with "nouuid" option** ([#6731](
* **Make the temp mount as ready only in container WithVolumes** ([#6730](
* **Fix deadlock from leaving transaction open in native snapshotter** ([#6727](
* **Monitor OOMKill events to prevent missing container events** ([#6734](

See the changelog for complete list of changes

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

### Contributors

* Stefan Berger
* Wei Fu
* Akihiro Suda
* Derek McGowan
* Phil Estes
* Kazuyoshi Kato
* Mike Brown
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Maksym Pavlenko
* dependabot[bot]
* Cory Snider
* Henry Wang
* Jeremi Piotrowski
* Michael Zappa
* Qiutong Song
* Tõnis Tiigi
* Ye Sijun

### Changes
<details><summary>35 commits</summary>

* Prepare release notes for v1.6.3 ([#6844](
  * [`baa386dc0`]( Prepare release notes for v1.6.3
* [release/1.6] tracing: fix panic on startup when configured ([#6853](
  * [`e8da82adc`]( tracing: fix panic on startup when configured
* [release/1.6] CRI: improve image pulling performance ([#6816](
  * [`1764ea9a2`]( CRI: improve image pulling performance
* [release/1.6] update golang to 1.17.9 ([#6823](
  * [`9cd76d465`]( [release/1.6] update golang to 1.17.9
* [release/1.6] check for duplicate nspath possibilities ([#6813](
  * [`c09cc1242`]( check for duplicate nspath possibilities
* [release/1.6] metrics/cgroups: fix deadlock issue in Add during Collect ([#6801](
  * [`fe6ba62ce`]( metrics/cgroups: fix deadlock issue in Add during Collect
* [release/1.6] go.mod: update image-spec to merge-commit of v1 into main ([#6766](
  * [`8b81a7843`]( [release/1.6] go.mod: update image-spec to merge-commit of v1 into main
* [release/1.6 backport] update runc to 1.1.1 ([#6759](
  * [`f2ba2041b`]( update runc binary to v1.1.1
  * [`b736b4dab`]( go.mod: v1.1.1
* [release/1.6] CI: add Rocky Linux 8 ([#6752](
  * [`72f1e58c7`]( CI: add Rocky Linux 8
* [release/1.6] vendor: v1.1.4 ([#6739](
  * [`7ede40c5c`]( [release/1.6] vendor: v1.1.4
* [release/1.6 backport] moving up to go-cni v1.1.4 ([#6728](
  * [`82a12edf2`]( moving up to go-cni v1.1.4
* [release/1.6 backport] Update prometheus client vendor ([#6732](
  * [`da35c19da`]( Test turning off golang CI lint cache
  * [`a0213573b`]( Add nolint:staticcheck to platform-specific calls
  * [`ad0036ed6`]( Update prometheus client vendor
* [release/1.6 backport] Mount devmapper xfs file system with "nouuid" option. ([#6731](
  * [`c7bbf316f`]( Mount devmapper xfs file system with "nouuid" option.
* [release/1.6 backport] Make the temp mount as ready only in container WithVolumes ([#6730](
  * [`a1de89c3e`]( Make the temp mount as ready only in container WithVolumes
* [release/1.6 backport] native: fix deadlock from leaving transactions open ([#6727](
  * [`28b44826b`]( native: fix deadlock from leaving transactions open
* [release/1.6 backport] cgroup2: monitor OOMKill instead of OOM to prevent missing container events ([#6734](
  * [`5538be6cf`]( cgroup2: monitor OOMKill instead of OOM to prevent missing container OOM events

### Changes from containerd/go-cni
<details><summary>8 commits</summary>

* moving up to latest CNI plugin release ([#90](
  * [`689fcd9`]( moving up to latest CNI plugin release
* Fix Loopback Version ([#88](
  * [`9ebcec1`]( Update loopback version to support check
* Update comment for capabilities ([#89](
  * [`a4d8d38`]( update comment for capabilities
* Add integration test for linux and update go version from 1.16 to 1.17 ([#84](
  * [`49aa5ab`]( Add integration test and update go version

### Changes from containerd/imgcrypt
<details><summary>13 commits</summary>

* CHANGES: Updated CHANGES document for 1.1.4 release ([#74](
  * [`f576654`]( CHANGES: Updated CHANGES document for 1.1.4 release
* Bump from 1.5.10 to 1.6.1 ([#73](
  * [`2efa871`]( Bump from 1.5.10 to 1.6.1
* images: prepare for typeurl.Any ([#72](
  * [`f842da4`]( images: prepare for typeurl.Any
  * [`6fdd981`]( images: Add list of Platforms to CheckAuthorization()
  * [`f440058`]( test: Test running of encrypted image only pulled for local platform
* Bump ocicrypt to 1.1.3 ([#71](
  * [`d4d4684`]( Bump ocicrypt to 1.1.3
  * [`727850f`]( Bump from 1.5.9 to 1.5.10
* Bump from 1.5.8 to 1.5.9 ([#67](
  * [`3c7db10`]( Bump from 1.5.8 to 1.5.9

### Dependency Changes

* ****            v1.1.3 -> v1.1.4
* ****          v1.1.3 -> v1.1.4
* ****  v1.0.1 -> v1.1.1
* ****          v1.1.2 -> v1.1.3
* ****                 v1.0.3 -> v1.1.1
* ****    693428a734f5 -> c5a74bcca799
* ****          v1.1.0 -> v1.1.1
* ****     v1.11.0 -> v1.11.1

Previous release can be found at [v1.6.2](