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containerd 1.6.27

Welcome to the v1.6.27 release of containerd!

The twenty-seventh patch release for containerd 1.6 contains various fixes and updates.

### Notable Updates

* **Improve `/etc/group` handling when appending groups** ([#9543](
* **Update runc binary to v1.1.11** ([#9597](
* **Remove runc import** ([#9606](
* **Update shim pidfile permissions to 0644** ([#9613](
* **Update Go version to 1.20.13** ([#9625](

### Deprecation Warnings

* **Emit deprecation warning for CRIU config usage** ([#9448](
* **Emit deprecation warning for some CRI configs** ([#9447](
* **Emit deprecation warning for `` label usage** ([#9572](

See the changelog for complete list of changes

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

### Contributors

* Samuel Karp
* Akihiro Suda
* Derek McGowan
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Djordje Lukic
* Jaroslav Jindrak
* Kay Yan
* Maksym Pavlenko
* Phil Estes
* Wei Fu
* ruiwen-zhao

### Changes
<details><summary>26 commits</summary>

* [release/1.6] Prepare release notes for v1.6.27 ([#9631](
  * [`d0edecf28`]( Prepare release notes for v1.6.27
* [release/1.6] update to go1.20.13, test go1.21.6 ([#9625](
  * [`32a515211`]( update to go1.20.13, test go1.21.6
* [release/1.6 backport] shim: Create pid-file with 0644 permissions ([#9613](
  * [`37de14d95`]( shim: Create pid-file with 0644 permissions
* [release/1.6 backport] remove dependency ([#9606](
  * [`3938d63de`]( remove dependency
* [release/1.6 backport] update runc binary to v1.1.11 ([#9597](
  * [`9a9b11f73`]( update runc binary to v1.1.11
* [release/1.6 backport] go.mod: v1.0.0 ([#9570](
  * [`6cd8e17ab`]( go.mod: v1.0.0
  * [`4f8ff5154`]( go.mod: v0.3.13
* [release/1.6] restart: warning ([#9572](
  * [`d24d263a4`]( restart: warning
* [release/1.6 backport] WithAppendAdditionalGroups: better /etc/group handling ([#9543](
  * [`9489c0eb0`]( WithAppendAdditionalGroups: better /etc/group handling
* [release/1.6] cri: add deprecation warnings for deprecated CRI configs ([#9547](
  * [`713065793`]( deprecation: fix missing spaces in warnings
  * [`de0cc92a7`]( cri: add deprecation warning for runtime_root
  * [`833b94149`]( cri: add deprecation warning for rutnime_engine
  * [`47de3d63d`]( cri: add deprecation warning for default_runtime
  * [`d421b8fda`]( cri: add warning for untrusted_workload_runtime
  * [`802cb64b0`]( cri: add warning for old form of systemd_cgroup
* [release/1.6] Add warning for CRIU config usage ([#9546](
  * [`f8447466c`]( Add warning for CRIU config usage

### Dependency Changes

* ****           v1.0.0 **_new_**
* ****  v0.1.0 **_new_**

Previous release can be found at [v1.6.26](