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containerd 1.6.22

Welcome to the v1.6.22 release of containerd!

The twenty-second patch release for containerd 1.6 contains various fixes and updates.

### Notable Updates

* **RunC: Update runc binary to v1.1.8** ([#8842](
* **CRI: Fix additionalGids: it should fallback to imageConfig.User when securityContext.RunAsUser,RunAsUsername are empty** ([#8823](
* **CRI: Write generated CNI config atomically** ([#8826](
* **Fix concurrent writes for `UpdateContainerStats`** ([#8819](
* **Make checkContainerTimestamps less strict on Windows** ([#8827](
* **Port-Forward: Correctly handle known errors** ([#8805](
* **Resolve docker.NewResolver race condition** ([#8800](
* **SecComp: Always allow `name_to_handle_at`** ([#8754](
* **Adding support to run hcsshim from local clone** ([#8713](
* **Pinned image support** ([#8720](
* **Runtime/V2/RunC: Handle early exits w/o big locks** ([#8695](
* **CRITool: Move up to CRI-TOOLS v1.27.0** ([#7997](
* **Fix cpu architecture detection issue on emulated ARM platform** ([#8533](
* **Task: Don't `close()` io before `cancel()`** ([#8659](
* **Fix panic when remote differ returns empty result** ([#8640](
* **Plugins: Notify readiness when registered plugins are ready** ([#8583](
* **Unwrap io errors in server connection receive error handling** ([ttrpc#143](

See the changelog for complete list of changes

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

### Contributors

* Akihiro Suda
* Phil Estes
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Derek McGowan
* Wei Fu
* Kazuyoshi Kato
* Austin Vazquez
* Samuel Karp
* dependabot[bot]
* Jin Dong
* Maksym Pavlenko
* Mike Brown
* Shingo Omura
* Akhil Mohan
* Bjorn Neergaard
* Laura Brehm
* Tony Fang
* Aditi Sharma
* Andrey Epifanov
* Benjamin Wang
* Brian Goff
* Cory Snider
* Daniel Canter
* Daniel Lenar
* Henry Wang
* Luca Comellini
* Madhav Jivrajani
* Mahamed Ali
* Mohit Sharma
* Oliver Radwell
* Priyanka Saggu
* Qasim Sarfraz
* Takumasa Sakao
* wangxiang
* zounengren

### Changes
<details><summary>95 commits</summary>

* [release/1.6] Prepare release notes for v1.6.22 ([#8863](
  * [`0770a4601`]( [release/1.6] Add release notes for v1.6.22
* [release/1.6] migrate to community owned bucket for node e2e tests ([#8876](
  * [`512a672af`]( migrate to community owned bucket
* [release/1.6] cri: memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes: no such file or directory ([#8870](
  * [`b585ff155`]( cri: memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes: no such file or directory
* [release/1.6] Update go-restful to v3.10.1  ([#8412](
  * [`a322077bf`]( go.mod: v3.10.1
* [release/1.6 backport] update runc binary to v1.1.8 ([#8842](
  * [`b3ac068eb`]( update runc binary to v1.1.8
* [release/1.6 backport] ci: remove libseccomp-dev installation for nightly ([#8773](
  * [`6e2bcb6dd`]( ci: remove libseccomp-dev installation for nightly
* [release/1.6 backport] [CRI] fix additionalGids: it should fallback to imageConfig.User when securityContext.RunAsUser,RunAsUsername are empty ([#8823](
  * [`cd06f23af`]( capture desc variable in range variable just in case that it run in parallel mode
  * [`30f5c6a1f`]( Use t.TempDir instead of os.MkdirTemp
  * [`59d8363ef`]( fix userstr for dditionalGids on Linux
* [release/1.6 backport] cri: write generated CNI config atomically ([#8826](
  * [`d75bf78c2`]( ctr: update WritePidFile to use atomicfile
  * [`5f70b23c1`]( shim: WritePidFile & WriteAddress use atomicfile
  * [`505d444b0`]( cri: write generated CNI config atomically on Unix
  * [`b2d2d3829`]( atomicfile: new package for atomic file writes
* [release/1.6 backport] Fix concurrent writes for UpdateContainerStats ([#8819](
  * [`9f650143f`]( Fix concurrent writes for UpdateContainerStats
* [release/1.6 backport] Make checkContainerTimestamps less strict on Windows ([#8827](
  * [`568ce91ca`]( Make checkContainerTimestamps less strict on Windows
* [release/1.6 backport] dependency: bump to v1.3.7 ([#8817](
  * [`d2f47192a`]( dependency: bump to v1.3.7
  * [`fb56dc245`]( [release/1.6] vendor: v1.8.1
* [release/1.6 backport] Move logrus setup code to log package ([#8832](
  * [`7fbd5dc89`]( Move logrus setup code to log package
* [release/1.6 backport] release: Add "cri-containerd.DEPRECATED.txt" in the deprecated cri-containerd-* bundles ([#8820](
  * [`59a143670`]( release: Add "cri-containerd.DEPRECATED.txt" in the deprecated cri-containerd-* bundles
* [release/1.6 backport] Use version 2 configuration format in docs ([#8821](
  * [`5b51b79e2`]( [release/1.6] fix remaining "v1 config" plugin IDs
  * [`b7cf26d8d`]( docs: Fix sample config.toml syntax
  * [`fcdaf0966`]( docs: migrate config v1 to v2
  * [`728d5c5f0`]( Use version 2 config and mention containerd config command
* [release/1.6] update go to go1.19.11 ([#8816](
  * [`81aa14718`]( [release/1.6] update go to go1.19.11
* [release/1.6] update go to go1.19.10 ([#8715](
  * [`17cd86629`]( [release/1.6] update go to go1.19.10
* [release/1.6 backport] bugfix(port-forward): Correctly handle known errors ([#8805](
  * [`fdb65f214`]( bugfix(port-forward): Correctly handle known errors
* [release/1.6] Resolve docker.NewResolver race condition ([#8800](
  * [`b5784af66`]( Change http.Header copy to builtin Clone
  * [`31c466f82`]( Resolve docker.NewResolver race condition
* [release/1.6 backport] vendor: v1.1.0 ([#8781](
  * [`be6406ca6`]( vendor: v1.1.0
  * [`9f1260074`]( [release/1.6] vendor v3.5.0
  * [`526e9e0ce`]( Bump grpc to v1.50.1
  * [`0e7d2d121`]( go.mod: v1.9.0
  * [`5b153c621`]( go.mod: v0.6.2
  * [`9dee60960`]( go.mod: v0.6.0
* [release/1.6 backport] seccomp: always allow name_to_handle_at ([#8754](
  * [`07ea7b9e7`]( seccomp: always allow name_to_handle_at
* [release/1.6 backport] Update ginkgo to match cri-tools' version ([#8759](
  * [`1dae51fed`]( Update ginkgo to match cri-tools' version
* [release/1.6 backport] integration/client: add timeout to `TestShimOOMScore` ([#8749](
  * [`bd76ab978`]( integration/client: add timeout to `TestShimOOMScore`
* [release/1.6 backport] Adding support to run hcsshim from local clone ([#8713](
  * [`8e14eccb2`]( Adding support to run hcsshim from local clone
* [1.6] Add Fields type alias to log package ([#8739](
  * [`9f2cdd589`]( Add Fields type alias to log package
* [release/1.6] Pinned image support ([#8720](
  * [`f4713aad0`]( Pinned image support
* [release/1.6 backport] runtime/v2/runc: handle early exits w/o big locks ([#8695](
  * [`dbeec47b4`]( runtime/v2/runc: handle early exits w/o big locks
* [release/1.6 backport] move up to CRI-TOOLS v1.27.0 ([#7997](
  * [`a8e01e40a`]( move to CRI-TOOLS v1.27.0
  * [`755f80698`]( move up to CRI-TOOLS v1.26.0
  * [`b29cc035f`]( bump critools into ca1571e6edd116b2c95f52e3dfa0b4779b74223a
  * [`9138999f5`]( Upgrade critools from 1.24.1 to 1.25.0
* [release/1.6] cherry-pick: No more nondistributable layers in MS registry ([#8691](
  * [`712ff8eb3`]( No more nondistributable layers in MS registry
* [release/1.6] Fix cpu architecture detection issue on emulated ARM platform ([#8533](
  * [`2b16e4bfa`]( Add unit test to function GetCPUVariantFromArch
  * [`106e36ec3`]( Use uname machine field to get CPU variant if fails at /proc/cpuinfo
* [release/1.6] Update lint timeout ([#8679](
  * [`287fdfea6`]( Update linter timeout to match main branch
* [release/1.6 backport] task: don't `close()` io before `cancel()` ([#8659](
  * [`b27f7daa5`]( task: don't `close()` io before `cancel()`
* [release/1.6] update test box to fedora 37 ([#8660](
  * [`8b4c69248`]( update test box to fedora 37
* [release/1.6] Revert "Downgrade MinGW to version 10.2.0" ([#8668](
  * [`81d6085af`]( Revert "Downgrade MinGW to version 10.2.0"
* [release/1.6 backport] Fix panic when remote differ returns empty result ([#8640](
  * [`f98122378`]( Fix panic when remote differ returns empty result
* [1.6] Bump x/net to 0.8 ([#8642](
  * [`aa53f272d`]( Bump x/net to 0.8
* [release/1.6 backport] remotes/docker: ResolverOptions: fix deprecation comments ([#8620](
  * [`56ff20839`]( remotes/docker: ResolverOptions: fix deprecation comments
* [release/1.6] notify readiness when registered plugins are ready ([#8583](
  * [`bccaf68b7`]( notify readiness when registered plugins are ready
* [release/1.6] Update ttrpc to 1.1.2 ([#8528](
  * [`1cdbbe76b`]( Update ttrpc to 1.1.2

### Changes from containerd/ttrpc
<details><summary>2 commits</summary>

* [release/1.1] Unwrap io errors in server connection receive error handling ([#143](
  * [`d5f7eed`]( Unwrap io errors in server connection receive error handling

### Changes from containerd/zfs
<details><summary>49 commits</summary>

* gofumpt and update status badges ([#75](
  * [`5e3457b`]( TestZFSUsage: use t.TempDir()
  * [`6e9c675`]( README: update badges
  * [`ff17a79`]( gofmt code
* go.mod: v3.0.1 ([#73](
  * [`d3485b9`]( go.mod: v3.0.1
* gha: fix golangci-lint, and upgrade to v1.52.2 ([#74](
  * [`23c831a`]( remove pre-go1.17 build-tags, and fix missing build-tags in plugin
  * [`e5acd95`]( gha: fix golangci-lint, upgrade to v1.52.2
* Bump from 1.6.12 to 1.6.18 ([#72](
  * [`00b96c2`]( Bump from 1.6.12 to 1.6.18
* Bump from 1.6.9 to 1.6.12 ([#69](
  * [`a099def`]( Bump from 1.6.9 to 1.6.12
* Add CodeQL analysis workflow ([#67](
  * [`fee1db7`]( Add CodeQL analysis workflow
* Update GitHub actions CI workflow ([#66](
  * [`b8b7ab2`]( Update GitHub actions CI workflow
* Upgrade compiler to Go 1.19 and update dependencies ([#68](
  * [`3e729b3`]( Update dependencies
  * [`3c003f8`]( Upgrade compiler to Go 1.19
* Remove references to io/ioutil package ([#65](
  * [`d700762`]( Remove references to io/ioutil package
* Update go.mod and move to supported Go version ([#62](
  * [`f52906e`]( Update Go version to supported version
  * [`79ca2cb`]( Update containerd depedency to latest
* go.mod: v3.0.0 ([#59](
  * [`2e3db29`]( go.mod: v3.0.0
* go.mod: v3.0.0-20220217145925-d014733a5309 ([#58](
  * [`d904e63`]( go.mod: v3.0.0-20220217145925-d014733a5309
* Update vendoring to containerd 1.6.x ([#57](
  * [`e021180`]( Update vendoring to containerd 1.6.x
* Bump from 1.5.8 to 1.5.9 ([#55](
  * [`fc0c9a9`]( Bump from 1.5.8 to 1.5.9
* Bump from 1.5.5 to 1.5.8 ([#54](
  * [`5d2f28c`]( Bump from 1.5.5 to 1.5.8
* follow-up-#52: fix the order of cause in fmt.Errorf ([#53](
  * [`b3f193d`]( follow-up-#52: fix the order of cause in fmt.Errorf
* replace pkg/errors ([#52](
  * [`d5b0a2f`]( replace pkg/errors
* Bump from 1.5.2 to 1.5.4 ([#51](
  * [`fd6afa5`]( Bump from 1.5.2 to 1.5.4
* Bump containerd to 1.5.2 ([#50](
  * [`aef875e`]( bump containerd to 1.5.2
* Rename branches from master to main ([#49](
  * [`35c6af7`]( Rename branches from master to main
* sync up with containerd 1.5 GA  ([#47](
  * [`3d5efef`]( vendor sync up with containerd 1.5 ga
* fix CI badge ([#46](
  * [`0977d81`]( fix CI badge

### Dependency Changes

* ****        v1.1.1 -> v1.1.2
* ****          v1.0.0 -> v1.1.0
* ****  v3.7.3 -> v3.10.1
* ****           v0.5.6 -> v0.5.9
* ****             v1.2.0 -> v1.3.0
* ****     v3.0.1 **_new_**
* ****      v0.5.0 -> v0.6.2
* ****         v1.8.1 -> v1.9.0
* ****        v1.7.0 -> v1.8.1
* ****                   v1.3.6 -> v1.3.7
* ****                   a158d28d115b -> v0.8.0
* ****                   8c9f86f7a55f -> v0.6.0
* ****                  03fcf44c2211 -> v0.6.0
* ****                  v0.3.7 -> v0.8.0
* ****             v1.47.0 -> v1.50.1
* ****         v1.28.0 -> v1.28.1
* ****                    v3.0.3 -> v3.5.0

Previous release can be found at [v1.6.21](