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containerd 1.6.20

Welcome to the v1.6.20 release of containerd!

The twentieth patch release for containerd 1.6 contains various fixes and updates.

### Notable Updates

* **Disable looking up usernames and groupnames on host** ([#8230](
* **Add support for Windows ArgsEscaped images** ([#8273](
* **Update hcsshim to v0.9.8** ([#8274](
* **Fix debug flag in shim** ([#8288](
* **Add `WithReadonlyTempMount` to support readonly temporary mounts** ([#8299](
* **Update ttrpc to fix file descriptor leak** ([#8308](
* **Update runc binary to v1.1.5** ([#8324](
* **Update image config to support ArgsEscaped** ([#8306](

See the changelog for complete list of changes

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

### Contributors

* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Derek McGowan
* Maksym Pavlenko
* Akihiro Suda
* Phil Estes
* Eng Zer Jun
* Justin Terry
* Kazuyoshi Kato
* Wei Fu
* Abirdcfly
* Gabriel Adrian Samfira
* Henry Wang
* Kang.Zhang
* Kirtana Ashok
* Laura Brehm
* Luca Comellini
* Paul "TBBle" Hampson
* liyuxuan.darfux
* ningmingxiao
* wanglei

### Changes
<details><summary>48 commits</summary>

* [release/1.6] Prepare release notes for v1.6.20 ([#8310](
  * [`a039a2b9c`]( Prepare release notes for v1.6.20
* [release/1.6]Updates oci image config to support upstream ArgsEscaped ([#8306](
  * [`5dd94a7e6`]( Updates oci image config to support upstream ArgsEscaped
* [release/1.6] update runc binary to v1.1.5 ([#8324](
  * [`59fa6b191`]( update runc binary to v1.1.5
  * [`0c0aad93e`]( go.mod: v1.1.5
* [release/1.6] Update ttrpc to v1.1.1 ([#8308](
  * [`50a6be0b4`]( Update ttrpc to v1.1.1
* [release/1.6 backport] Add `WithReadonlyTempMount` to create readonly temporary mounts ([#8299](
  * [`8cead6594`]( Add `WithReadonlyTempMount` to create readonly temporary mounts
* [release/1.6] Adds support for Windows ArgsEscaped images ([#8273](
  * [`f0dc0297d`]( Adds support for Windows ArgsEscaped images
* [release/1.6]go.mod: Bump hcsshim tag to v0.9.8 ([#8274](
  * [`5981a24e2`]( Update hcsshim tag to v0.9.8
* [1.6] shim: fix debug flag not working ([#8288](
  * [`28f1e32e3`]( shim: fix debug flag not working
* [release/1.6] cherry-pick: Update go-restful to v3 ([#8271](
  * [`5a8ea75df`]( Update go-restful to v3
  * [`59bdc1d5a`]( go.mod: update to v3.7.3
* [release/1.6] Go 1.19.7 ([#8238](
  * [`86e0bd9e3`]( Go 1.19.7
* [release/1.6 backport] archive: disable looking up usernames and groupnames on the host ([#8230](
  * [`063ad2f19`]( archive: disable looking up usernames and groupnames on the host
* [release/1.6 backport] assorted linting, and golang update-related changes ([#8229](
  * [`9cbea6fe7`]( Enable dupword linter
  * [`c73f1abff`]( Bump golangci-lint to v1.50.1
  * [`f198f7724`]( update golangci-lint to v1.49.0
  * [`e6179af1e`]( remove unneeded nolint-comments (nolintlint), disable deprecated linters
  * [`77160e6b5`]( [release/1.6] adjust some nolint comments
  * [`95655f4ce`]( clean-up "nolint" comments, remove unused ones
  * [`9f0617ecc`]( pkg/cri/(server|sbserver): criService.getTLSConfig() add TODO to verify nolint
  * [`e66397d83`]( golangci-lint: sort linters in config file
  * [`682a567e9`]( linting: address gosec G112/G114
  * [`627f563e6`]( chore: remove duplicate word in comments
  * [`efb88a8bb`]( pkg/cri/streaming: increase ReadHeaderTimeout
  * [`45f055df6`]( Update protobuf definitions
  * [`584707524`]( Run gofmt 1.19
  * [`f33e38572`]( Switch to Go 1.19
  * [`fc10cd23a`]( remove duplicate
  * [`7cbb9e746`]( Update linters to use t.Setenv
  * [`4347a3265`]( Use t.Setenv instead of os.Setenv
  * [`10357eab5`]( Address some timeout issues in the Windows CI
  * [`977ce8ef5`]( Enable gosec linter for golangci-lint
  * [`c23945c5f`]( test: remove redundant `mountPoint`
  * [`588ed91d3`]( test: use `T.TempDir` to create temporary test directory
  * [`c2ed63c86`]( Remove hardcoded /tmp in tempfile paths
  * [`7e382c516`]( fix Implicit memory aliasing in for loop

### Changes from containerd/ttrpc
<details><summary>2 commits</summary>

* [release/1.1] server: Fix connection leak when receiving ECONNRESET ([#136](
  * [`8977f59`]( server: Fix connection leak when receiving ECONNRESET

### Dependency Changes

* ****          v0.9.7 -> v0.9.8
* ****           v1.1.0 -> v1.1.1
* ****     v3.7.3 **_new_**
* ****  c5a74bcca799 -> 3a7f492d3f1b
* ****        v1.1.2 -> v1.1.5

Previous release can be found at [v1.6.19](