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containerd 1.3.10

Welcome to the v1.3.10 release of containerd!

The tenth patch release for `containerd` 1.3 contains a fix for CVE-2021-21334
along with various other minor issues. This is the final release for
`containerd` 1.3.

See [GHSA-36xw-fx78-c5r4](
for more details related to CVE-2021-21334.

### Notable Updates
* **Fix container create in CRI to prevent possible environment variable leak between containers** [#1629](
* **Add bounds on max `oom_score_adj` value for shim's AdjustOOMScore** [#4875](
* **Update task manager to use fresh context when calling shim shutdown** [#4930](
* **Fix incorrect usage calculation** [#5126](

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

### Contributors

* Derek McGowan
* Phil Estes
* Sebastiaan van Stijn
* Mike Brown
* Akihiro Suda
* Kir Kolyshkin
* Wei Fu
* Shengjing Zhu
* Li Yuxuan
* Michael Crosby
* Phil Estes
* Sam Whited
* Tom Faulhaber
* Brian Goff
* Derek McGowan
* IceberGu
* Ivan Markin
* Maksym Pavlenko
* Michael Crosby
* Samuel Karp
* Simon Kaegi
* Tibor Vass
* Wilbert van de Ridder
* Xiaodong Ye

### Changes
<details><summary>16 commits</summary>

* [`1c5970efb`]( Merge pull request from GHSA-6g2q-w5j3-fwh4
* [`9d46f241e`]( Prepare release notes for 1.3.10
* [`0eb8cbd29`]( Merge pull request  [#5126]( from dmcgowan/backport-1.3-continuity-usage-calculation
* [`8f71d98c6`]( Update continuity to fix usage calculation
* [`dc49905ce`]( Merge pull request  [#5121]( from fuweid/update-cri-plugin
* [`2d9c8aa4b`]( vendor: update CRI plugin with commit ca9c55
* [`3405c1d61`]( Merge pull request  [#4992]( from Iceber/fix-runc-v2-service-1.3
* [`fb872ce79`]( runtime: fix shutdown runc v2 service
* [`070cc0129`]( Merge pull request  [#4930]( from fuweid/cherry-pick-1.3-846cb963c
* [`e97824177`]( runtime/v2: should use defer ctx to cleanup
* [`804621064`]( Merge pull request  [#4875]( from johnathanmdell/release/1.3
* [`ff9f916b4`]( Add bounds on max oom_score_adj value for AdjustOOMScore
* [`1e683ff22`]( Merge pull request  [#4755]( from thaJeztah/1.3_backport_cancel_shim_log_ctx_by_onclose
* [`3f694f1a3`]( v2: Cancel shim log ctx when ttrpc is closed
* [`7a2410592`]( v2: Fix missing ns when openShimLog on windows
* [`e9518fb31`]( v2: Call shim.Delete at first when create is failed

### Changes from containerd/continuity
<details><summary>53 commits</summary>

* [`1d9893e`]( Merge pull request  [#169]( from dmcgowan/fix-usage-block-size
* [`363153d`]( Add directory size to usage calculation test
* [`b97555e`]( Fix incorrect usage calculation
* [`91328d7`]( Merge pull request  [#166]( from zhsj/fix-riscv64
* [`809d89c`]( go.mod: to latest
* [`62ef0ff`]( Merge pull request  [#165]( from zhsj/fix-arm64
* [`25269ef`]( Fix building on arm64
* [`310e183`]( gha: fix invalid workflow definition
* [`04c754f`]( Merge pull request  [#163]( from dmcgowan/fix-sparse-file-usage
* [`bc5e3ed`]( Fix usage calculation to account for sparse files
* [`03c371a`]( gha: replace uses of deprecated "set-env", "add-path"
* [`f2cc351`]( Merge pull request  [#157]( from thaJeztah/update_deps
* [`aaa8883`]( Merge pull request  [#160]( from thaJeztah/test_go_1.15
* [`5b95d2d`]( GH Actions: test against Go 1.15
* [`c9598ea`]( go.mod: v1.0.0
* [`71d065d`]( go.mod: v1.0.0
* [`84c3eb7`]( go.mod: v0.9.1
* [`2068663`]( go.mod: logrus v1.6.0
* [`efbc448`]( Merge pull request  [#156]( from estesp/disable-travis
* [`e2d0145`]( Remove travis config
* [`daa8e1c`]( Merge pull request  [#155]( from estesp/gh-actions-ci
* [`8c3ce1b`]( Update CI to use GitHub Actions
* [`6629113`]( Update linting to use golangci-lint
* [`9365a1b`]( Fix golangci-lint errors
* [`f1c9af8`]( Merge pull request  [#154]( from mikebrow/cleanup-nits
* [`f681eac`]( reduce code complexity
* [`6728803`]( update AUTHORS
* [`f265cff`]( fix gofmt issues
* [`cf53015`]( Merge pull request  [#153]( from tomfaulhaber/empty-file-fix
* [`5a33969`]( Add a comment to clarify that we're handling the empty file case
* [`11900e8`]( Fix sameFile() to recognize empty files as the same
* [`d3ef23f`]( Merge pull request  [#151]( from kolyshkin/readlink-win
* [`0f16d7a`]( Merge pull request  [#150]( from kolyshkin/xattr
* [`643e66e`]( Remove Windows' Readlink fork
* [`da42a30`]( driver: fail to build on Windows with go < 1.13
* [`d7961f4`]( travis.yml: rm unsupported go releases, add 1.14
* [`bbd0be0`]( sysx/xattr: improve listxattrAll
* [`9e256e6`]( sysx/xattr: fix getxattrAll
* [`26c1120`]( Merge pull request  [#109]( from nogoegst/fs-openbsd
* [`0ec5967`]( Merge pull request  [#148]( from zhsj/fix-gccgo
* [`a7f992c`]( fs: don't convert syscall.Timespec to unix.Timespec directly
* [`669de92`]( Merge pull request  [#147]( from yeahdongcn/xattr
* [`b05c0fd`]( xattr lost when copying directory
* [`1097c8b`]( Merge pull request  [#144]( from SamWhited/modules
* [`91c91a7`]( Merge branch 'master' into modules
* [`f65d91d`]( Merge pull request  [#146]( from fuweid/me-enable-root-for-testing
* [`2f58149`]( test: enable root for RequiresRoot cases
* [`abe3784`]( Support Go Modules
* [`75bee3e`]( Merge pull request  [#143]( from tiborvass/fix-sockets
* [`403b5be`]( Merge pull request  [#141]( from WRidder/patch-1
* [`cd143ee`]( fstest: have CreateSocket actually create a socket
* [`38f9467`]( Add src string to copyDirectory error message.
* [`cad9e55`]( fs: support for OpenBSD

### Changes from containerd/cri
<details><summary>14 commits</summary>

* [`ca9c5533`]( Merge pull request  [#1629]( from fuweid/cherry-pick-cri-1628
* [`7ea3462f`]( cri: append envs from image config to empty slice to avoid env lost
* [`3a1c3b3b`]( Merge pull request  [#1604]( from samuelkarp/backport1.3-runtimes
* [`f6f5aef1`]( Merge pull request  [#1610]( from thaJeztah/1.3_bump_containerd
* [`7945246e`]( vendor: containerd v1.3.7 and dependencies
* [`473085cb`]( vendor.conf: sort dependencies
* [`87913363`]( reformat vendor.conf, and use tags again, to match containerd
* [`fa4724b7`]( Merge pull request  [#1611]( from thaJeztah/1.3_fix_golangci_install
* [`c04aabc3`]( Fix golangci-lint installation
* [`8c742677`]( enable test-integration target to specify runtime
* [`9528e306`]( Merge pull request  [#1558]( from cpuguy83/1.3_no_libseccomp
* [`52678022`]( Fix header for new seccomp files.
* [`2cc11e5e`]( fix for image pull linter change
* [`7f1124c9`]( remove libseccomp cgo dependency

### Dependency Changes

* ****  f2a389ac0a02 -> 1d9893e5674b
* ****         f864905c93b9 -> ca9c5533489d

Previous release can be found at [v1.3.9](